[intro] When you have worked through the Guides listed below, you will have configured all the settings to correspond with the content of your own EKM online shop.
Shop Details
It's essential you populate your shop with these details to enable your customers to contact you.
Shop Meta Data
You need to complete these settings so that your shop information is displayed when your shop is found in search engine results.
Outgoing Emails
You need this Guide to configure the emails which are automatically sent to a customer when they have placed an order on your shop.
Why am I not receiving my Order Placed Emails?
This Guide will explain how to rectify the issue if you are no longer receiving these essential email updates.
How to Create Custom Shop Emails
Here you can learn how to create outgoing emails to accompany custom Order Statuses.
Here you need to set how much tax you charge on your Products and whether any of them are tax-exempt.
Hidden Products
Where you can designate what actions should occur when a customer attempts to access a Hidden Product.
Stock Control
The settings on this page ascertain what customers see if a Product goes out of stock.
Order Restrictions
If you want to prevent orders coming in from specific countries or ensure that customers to your shop purchase specific amounts, you need to configure these settings.
Here you can set what currency your shop uses, and what other currencies it can convert into for your overseas customers.
The Cart Page
Lists the settings which govern how your customers interact with the Cart on your EKM online shop.
Checkout Flow
This Guide shows you how the Checkout Flow appears to your customers.
Analytics on your EKM online shop
If your EKM online shop is on the Standard, Advanced or Pro tiers, you'll be able to use the Analytics tab to view your most popular products, compare figures and diagnose your overall Shop Health.
Billing Details & Invoices
How to download invoices for your EKM accounts and change your payment details.
Your Details
On this page, you can amend your name, address and the details you use to log into your EKM online shop account.
Checkout Settings
In this Guide, you can configure the settings on the Checkout Flow to suit your EKM online shop and your target customers.
The Orders Page
To process orders, you need to learn about the Orders Page and how it works using this Guide.
Customising your Invoices
If you want to include an invoice when you mail completed orders to your customers, it's important it matches the branding of your EKM online shop.
Order Statuses
Using this Guide you can learn what different order statuses mean and how you can create your own.
Making Quotes on your EKM online shop
If you expect your customers to request quotes for specific Products, you'll need this Guide to learn how to do this.
Staff Login
Shops on the Standard, Advanced and Pro Tiers will be eligible to use Staff Logins to allow different members of their team to log into their EKM online shop account.
How to set up Age Verification on the Checkout Flow
If you sell age-restricted items on your EKM online shop, this is a legal must.
Desktop Notifications
Where to go to set up a notification every time an order is placed on your EKM online shop.
[contact]If you need our help with your EKM online shop, contact your Ecommerce Expert, Account Manager, or the Customer Support Team, who can point you in the right direction. Our opening hours are 9 am - 5.30 pm Monday to Friday, for telephone calls, live chats, and emails. Over the weekends, we're open from 9 am - 5.30 pm, both Saturday and Sunday, to answer emails and live chat, which you can access from the Dashboard of your EKM online shop. Outside these hours, you can leave a message for us in the live chat window or email [email protected], and we will answer as soon as possible.
If you'd like to suggest a feature or an upgrade on any of the EKM platforms, please let us know on the EKM Suggestions Board. If you have a non-account-specific question to ask the EKM Team, join us in the EKM Community. [/contact]