[intro]When you have completed this Guide, you’ll understand all of the different features of the Dashboard of your EKM online shop.[/intro]



When you log into your EKM online shop account, the first page you will see is the Dashboard:

The Menu

Across the top of the screen, the tabs will take you to the different sections in the back end of your EKM online shop:

Shop includes:

Orders includes:

Analytics includes:

  • A breakdown of orders placed within a specific period;
  • Your best-selling products;
  • The overall health status of your EKM online shop.

Design includes:

The Features tab includes:

  • Access to both the free and paid Features;
  • Links to third-party integrations.

Below the main menu options, you'll also see the following:

View Shop

  • Clicking View Shop in the top left-hand corner will reveal how your EKM online shop looks to visitors at the moment in a separate browser tab.

What’s New

  • Clicking will reveal the 'What’s New on EKM' vertical banner on the right-hand side. This lists any new features and functionality released on the EKM online shop platform by our Development Team. You can click on the emoticons and leave a comment in the Feedback field, or click the white cross in the top right-hand corner to remove this banner:

Support Centre 

  • This will direct you to our Support Centre where you can find a wide range of written Support Guides and videos to help you set up your EKM online shop.

Settings includes:


There are some areas of the EKM online shop platform where the menu will be hidden to allow a full view of specific pages. You can make the left-hand menu appear by clicking the three horizontal lines in the top left-hand corner of the screen: 


Task List

If you've just opened your EKM online shop, you'll see a list of what tasks you still need to do before your EKM online shop is ready to launch:

Your Account Manager

On the left-hand side, you’ll see ‘Pending Account Manager’ until you are assigned an Account Manager, and this will update with their photo and name: 

When you have been assigned an Account Manager - or, depending on your tier, an Ecommerce Expert - you'll see their details in this element, including their dedicated telephone number:

The Customer Support Team

Below the Account Manager element, you’ll see:

In this element, you’ll see the phone number you need to contact our Customer Support Team and your current Support PIN, which they will ask you to confirm at the beginning of your telephone call. You’ll also see the buttons that redirect you to the EKM Community.

Clicking the blue symbol on the far right-hand side will open the Chat window for you. You need to click the Support Button relevant to your EKM online shop tier, or if you want to view a Support Guide, click Show More Categories to access Support Guides to help you set up your EKM online shop:

Recent Updates

When you've set up your EKM online shop, you'll see the Recent Updates element, which provides a feed of what new features and functionality have been added to the EKM online shop platform recently:

Dashboard Stats

Looking at the main body of the Dashboard at the top, you’ll see the Dashboard Stats. The Dashboard Stats show you how well your shop is doing at a glance. By default, how these figures are displayed depends on the behaviour of your EKM online shop. If the average number of orders per week is less than 7, the display switches to orders for the month. You get a weekly view if the average daily orders are less than 7. Anything more than the above 2 instances and your orders are displayed daily. You can, however, click the Last 30 Days button in the top right-hand corner to select from a range of different periods:

  • Pending Orders - these are any orders with a Pending Order Status.
  • Orders Last 30 Days - Calculates all orders over the last 30-day period. 
  • Revenue Last 30 Days - Calculates the total revenue over the last 30 days. 
  • Average Order Value - This is calculated by dividing the total revenue by the total orders.
  • Page Views Today - Refers to the number of pages within your EKM online shop that have been viewed today. Please note that this is for page views, not the number of people visiting your shop. Therefore, you could have had 1 visitor and 15 page views (where one person has looked at 15 different pages) or 3 visitors and 15 page views (where 3 visitors have viewed 5 different pages each).
  • Checkout Conversion Rate - This is the percentage of completed transactions out of total attempted checkouts. 
  • Customer Lifetime Value - The average revenue generated from each customer over their entire relationship with your business. 
  • Repeat Purchase Rate - The percentage of customers making multiple purchases with your business. 

[remember]To obtain accurate data for the Customer Lifetime Value and Repeat Purchase Rate, you need to have the Customer Login feature installed on your EKM online shop, as it’s this functionality that allows the system to recognise individual customers. [/remember]


Below the Dashboard Stats, you may see some notifications. Blue notifications are part of our Set-Up Wizard, so they’re reminders for tasks you still need to do to set up your EKM online shop. Green notifications are from the platform itself, to remind you to check details or a specific setting, for example. To remove these notifications, click the green button on the far right-hand side on each and complete the suggested task. 

If you’ve just opened your EKM online shop account and see the ‘Pending Account Manager’ element, you’ll also see elements like this. This is to give you an idea of how much more you need to do to finish building your EKM online shop and get it ready for accepting sales:



[contact] If you need our help with your EKM online shop, contact your Ecommerce Expert or the Customer Support Team, who will be able to point you in the right direction. We're open from 8am-6pm weekdays and 9am-5.30pm weekends. If you'd like to suggest a feature or an upgrade on any of the EKM platforms, please let us know on the EKM Suggestions Board. If you have a non-account-specific question to ask the EKM Team, join us in the EKM Community. [/contact]