
Can I have more than one EKM online shop?
[intro]In this Guide, you can find out how to obtain an additional EKM online shop and how to access your new account going forward.  [/intro] [summary] ...
Wed, 31 Jul, 2024 at 4:34 PM
Different languages on your EKM online shop
[intro] When you have completed this Guide, you will have looked at the different ways it is possible to incorporate foreign languages into your EKM online ...
Wed, 31 Jul, 2024 at 4:33 PM
EKM Community
[intro]In this Guide, you’ll learn where to access EKM Community, our Facebook Group filled with other EKM online shop owners and EKM Team members where you...
Wed, 31 Jul, 2024 at 4:33 PM
EKM Packaging Slips
[intro]In this Guide, you’ll learn where you can find EKM Packaging Slips, to purchase A4 sheets and labels, especially for packaging orders on your own EKM...
Wed, 31 Jul, 2024 at 4:33 PM
EKM Suggestions
[intro] When you have completed this Guide, you will know how to submit Feature Requests to the EKM Development Team. [/intro] At EKM we have a dedicated D...
Wed, 31 Jul, 2024 at 4:32 PM
EKM Themes and Custom Mode
[intro]In this Guide, you will learn all about Custom Mode - what it is, how it is used and how it can affect your EKM online shop. [/intro] [summary] Ho...
Wed, 31 Jul, 2024 at 4:32 PM
Feedback Thursdays
[intro]In this Guide you can learn all about Feedback Thursdays and how to get involved with our UX/UI Team. [/intro] What is Feedback Thursdays? Every Th...
Wed, 31 Jul, 2024 at 4:32 PM
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation
[intro] When you have completed this guide you will be aware of any changes you need to implement on your EKM online shop in order to comply with the GDPR l...
Wed, 31 Jul, 2024 at 4:32 PM
Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics properties belonging to EKM
[intro]If you use Google Tag Manager or Google Analytics on your EKM online shop, it is worth knowing about the properties that the EKM online shop platform...
Wed, 31 Jul, 2024 at 4:31 PM
How do I know if my EKM online shop is using mCommerce?
[intro]In this Guide, you will learn how to identify if your EKM online shop is using mCommerce.[/intro] What is mCommerce? mCommerce is the name of the t...
Wed, 31 Jul, 2024 at 4:28 PM