[intro]When you have connected your EKM online shop to your EPOS Now account, you are able to manage both your physical and online orders in one place.[/intro]



To use this integration, you need to ensure you have an EPOS Now account, and that all of your Products have had a Product Code applied to them, by using the Product Attributes feature. The integration between EPOS Now and your EKM online shop will link products between both platforms according to their unique product codes.

If you are an existing EPOS Now customer

It is essential before you begin to ensure that the products listed within your EPOS Now account are matched via Product Codes to existing Products within your EKM online shop. You can do this by using the Import/Export System feature and following the steps in this Guide

If you are new to EPOS Now

You will not have any products listed within your EPOS Now account, so before you begin you must have unique Product Codes added to each of the Products on your EKM online shop. To do this, you will need to install the Product Attributes feature to add Product Codes, and then apply product codes to each product. Whilst this can be done manually within the Inventory Manager feature, with a large number of Products it is a lot quicker to use a spreadsheet generated by the Import/Export System feature and by following the steps in this Guide.

[caution]If any Product Names are over 40 characters, this is longer than the limit allowed by EPOS Now, and they will be skipped during syncing. If any Products have a duplicate code, they will be skipped during syncing. Please see Resolving Issues towards the end of this Guide.[/caution]

Category Mapping

During the set-up of this integration, the EKM Epos Now App will display all EKM Categories and Subcategories. Ideally, you should map your EKM online shop Categories to your EPOS Now categories so that newly added products are added to the correct Categories. 

[tips]If you have just opened your EPOS Now account, you could create Categories within that first before you sync your Products from your EKM online shop, which will make things easier when you are doing your first sync.[/tips]

Setting up the EKM EPOS Now App

1. From the Dashboard, click Features :

2. Click the Feature Library tab:

3. Scroll down to the Sales Channels features and click the View More button on the right-hand side:

4. Click the EPOS Now icon:

5. Click the green Purchase Now button:

6. You’ll then see this window. Click the green button to continue:

7. You’ll then be redirected to a new browser tab, where you need to click the green button to allow EPOS Now to view the relevant information held on your EKM online shop:

8. On this page, you need to click the green Connect button:

9. Now you need to click the green button to connect your Epos Now account to the integration:

10. Open a separate browser tab, and log into your EPOS Now account with your usual details:

11. On the EPOS Now dashboard, click Apps on the left-hand side:

12. In the search bar, type in ‘API’ and press the enter key:

13. Click the API app:

14. Click to purchase the API app, and when you’ve done that, click My Apps on the left-hand side:

15. Click the Setup button beneath the API app:

16. Now you need to scroll down to the bottom of the page:

17. Click the Access Credentials button on the far right-hand side:

18. On this page, you need to copy the Epos Key and the Epos secret:

19. Return to the browser tab displaying the EKM EPOS integration and copy the Epos Key into the API Key field, and the Epos Secret into the API Secret field, before clicking the green Save button:

20. This will return you to the integration page, where you’ll see that your Epos Now account has been successfully connected. Your next step is to scroll down:

21. Click the Edit button to select which Order Statuses to sync:

22. Now you need to select Order Statuses where the order has been fully completed. Minimally, this will need to be Dispatched and Complete. When you have selected these Order Statuses, you need to click the green Save button at the bottom of the page:

23. This will return you to the main integration page. This time, you need to scroll down and click Edit so you can map your Categories:

24. On this page, you need to map your EKM online shop Categories to the Categories created on your EPOS Now account using the drop-down menu buttons. If an existing EKM Category does not exist within your EPOS Now Categories, simply set it as ‘Create New’, so the EKM Category will be created within your EPOS Now account:

25. When you have mapped all of your Categories, click the green Save button at the bottom of the page:

26. This will redirect you to the main integration page again. Scroll down until you see the Sync Information element. Here you’ll see that your EKM online shop products have begun to sync with your EPOS Now account. Click the link:

27. This will allow you to view the status of the sync: 

28. The speed of processing this sync depends on the number of products on your EKM online shop. This can take up to a day to process fully if you have a very large product range. When completed, the EKM EPOS Now App will update every 30 minutes, coordinating orders that have been placed on both your EKM online shop and EPOS Now. 

Invalid Products

Here you can click on the Invalid Product button to see a list of all the invalid products. 

Reasons for being an Invalid Product are: 

  • Long Products names.
  • Duplicate product codes
  • No product codes. 

You can link the Product Name of each Invalid Product; this is hyperlinked to the relevant Add/Edit Product window within your EKM online shop. 

When you have rectified the issue on the Product return to the Epos Now integration and click the Sync EKM Stock button to resubmit the Product to EPOS Now:

Email Notifications

  • You will get an email when the first time sync has been completed.
  • When you request to download your long product names list, you will get an email when the file is ready to download. 
  • When you upload the updated product names file you will get an email once the import has been completed. 


EPOS Now HQ = This means the dashboard and settings within your EPOS Now account. 

EKM EPOS Now App = This is the name of the integration that you configure within this Guide to link EPOS Now and your EKM online shop together. 

Sync EKM Stock = Click this button to sync the stock between your EKM online shop and your EPOS Now account. 

Sync New Products = If you have added new products to your EKM online shop, click this button to sync these products with your EPOS Now account. 

Invalid Products = These are products that have not yet been synced with your EPOS Now account. This is because these products either have long product names (more than 40 characters), duplicate product codes or no product codes at all. These issues can be resolved by following the steps below. 

Resolving Issues

Fixing Duplicate Product Codes

To fix duplicate product codes, simply log into your EKM online shop and up the Product Code within the Attributes of the Product. You can do this manually by following the steps in this Guide or if you have several to resolve at once, use spreadsheets and the Import/Export System feature.

If you wish to use a scanner with EPOS Now, make sure that the product codes on the products on your EKM online shop match the product barcodes before syncing with your EPOS Now account. Once you have updated the product codes on your EKM online shop products, simply click Sync New Products in the EKM EPOS Now App. 

Fixing long product names

After the initial product sync, you may discover that you have some products with long Product Names, which are longer than the 40-character limit set by EPOS Now. If this is the case, you’ll see an element appear on the EKM EPOS Now App. Click the blue Export CSV button to download a list of these products:

When you have downloaded this spreadsheet, add the new product names in the eposNow_Name column. To check the length of the new product names, use this formula: row 2=len(c2) within column C of the spreadsheet. When you have completed the spreadsheet, save it and upload it via the EKM EPOS Now App:

Once exported, add the new product names to the “eposNow_Name” to check the length of the new names you can use this formula in column C row 2 =len(c2)

When you are happy with the new EPOS Now product names you will be able to upload the file via the EKM Products Export Import in the ekm EPOS Now app. 

My EKM online shop products are duplicated on EPOS Now

The EKM EPOS Now App will map the products on your EKM online shop with the products listed within your EPOS Now account based on the EPOS Now barcode. To ensure that this works, you need to ensure that your EKM product codes match the EPOS Now barcodes, otherwise, your products will be duplicated on EPOS Now. If the codes are different, new products will be created on EPOS Now and will need to be deleted or manually matched on EPOS Now. 

My EKM online shop products have not been added to EPOS Now

If the products on your EKM online shop do not have product codes assigned to them, they will not be synced to your EPOS Now account. You need to install the Product Attributes feature on your EKM online shop and then apply the product codes, according to the barcodes you have for those products on EPOS Now. The quickest and easiest way to do this is to use spreadsheets and follow the steps in this Guide

My stock has not been updated

As you get orders,  the stock will update every 15 minutes. If this is not the case, please get in contact with our Customer Support Team who will be able to investigate this for you. 

How many times can I sync my stock levels?

The EPOS Now API app has a limit of 5000 API calls per day. When importing products, if this limit is hit, the import will pause until the following day. Importing products on a spreadsheet using the EKM EPOS Now App uses 2 API calls. If your EKM online shop is processing over 5000 orders per day, you may need to upgrade your EPOS Now API limit. You can do this via the app in your EPOS Now HQ account. 

[remember] If you are having issues with your EKM online shop or the EPOS Now integration, please contact our Customer Support Team, but please remember they will not be able to investigate any issues with your EPOS Now account - only the EKM EPOS NOW App and your EKM online shop. You can contact EPOS Now on 0808 296 3222 and you can visit their support centre by clicking here. [/remember]



[contact] If you need our help with your EKM online shop, contact your Ecommerce Expert or the Customer Support Team, who will be able to point you in the right direction. We're open from 8am-6pm weekdays and 9am-5.30pm weekends. If you'd like to suggest a feature or an upgrade on any of the EKM platforms, please let us know on the EKM Suggestions Board. If you have a non-account-specific question to ask the EKM Team, join us in the EKM Community. [/contact]