[intro]Before setting up a Buy One Get One Free discount, it is a good idea to read this guide so you know what you need to set up before you go ahead and configure your discount.[/intro]

[remember]Before you begin, add all the products you wish to include in this offer into one Category. You can quickly move products by using the Import/Export System feature and following the steps in this guide. This gives your customers a better shopping experience as they can easily see the choice of products to make their decision. [/remember]

[tips]It's a good idea to install the Quick View feature on your EKM online shop at this point. This will allow your customers to quickly add items to the cart from the Category Pages without having to click on each Product Page individually to make their selections. This works especially well on a discount Category where the discount relies on users selecting a number of items to receive their discount. [/tips]

1. Follow these steps to set up a Buy One Get One Free (BOGOF) offer. Your customer can choose from an entire Category of products, select any two, and receive one free. Within the Discount Management feature, click Add Discount, and then complete the fields within the Basic Details element as normal:

[remember]You may need to tick the box to Stop Processing - but this depends if you have any other discounts set up and how you want your discounts work alongside this one. If you want to allow customers to use this discount and another discount at the same time, you need to leave the box blank. 

If you want to create different discounts that run simultaneously, you will need to learn about Discount Priority. This allows you to work out the order in which several discounts should be applied to a customer’s order if you have designated them to be stackable. [/remember]

2. Within the Reward element, select Free Products from the Reward drop-down and set the Maximum Number of Products as 1. 

You can Limit Individual Products (the number of free products a single customer can receive with this discount) by ticking the box, but bear in mind that by setting the Limit to 1 for each product within a Category of 10 products, your customers can potentially receive 1 of each product within that Category free. Put simply, the number of free products a customer can claim with this offer if you limit it to a minimum of 1 equals one each of the total number of products within that Category; using my Category of 10 products as an example, my customers could theoretically purchase 20 products and receive 10 free of charge:

3. However, if you choose not to limit this offer, your customers can take advantage of this discount multiple times and select multiple choices to suit them. 

[remember]For customers to receive free products, they must place them within their cart - the EKM online shop platform will not automatically populate their cart with the free items. [/remember]

4. Whether you choose to limit the offer or not, your next step is to click Choose Products:

5. In the Choose Free Products modal, click the button on the right-hand side of the search bar to select Category, and then add the name of your Category to display all of the products within it. Click the topmost tick box on the left-hand side to tick the box for each product within your Category, before clicking the green Add To Discount button in the bottom right-hand corner:

6. Scroll further down to the Requirements element. For the Requirement, select Specific Products In Cart. For Product Combination, select Any Combination Of Products. For Number of Products in Cart, add 2:

7. Click Choose Products, and in the Choose Free Products modal, click the button on the right-hand side of the search bar to select Category, and then add your Category name to display all of the products within it. Click the topmost tick box on the left-hand side to tick the box for each product within your Category, before clicking the green Add To Discount button in the bottom right-hand corner:

8. Scroll further down to see the Restrictions element:

Location Restrictions

9. If you tick this box, you can prevent specific countries from being able to take advantage of this discount. Click the Choose Locations button on the right-hand side:

10. In the window that appears, you can tick the box next to each country which CANNOT receive this discount. If you wish to select many countries, click the topmost box, automatically tick all the boxes, and then un-tick the boxes for any countries you want to receive this discount. When you have finished configuring your countries, click the green Add To Discount button on the right-hand side:

Delivery Restrictions

11. If you want to exclude customers using specific Delivery Methods from this discount, tick the box and then click the Choose Delivery Methods button on the right-hand side:

12. This will then open a window to select which Delivery Methods are EXCLUDED from the discount by ticking the relevant boxes on the left-hand side. When you have selected your Delivery Methods, simply click the green Add To Discount button on the right-hand side:

Exclude Trade Customers

13. If you have installed the Trade Discounts feature on your EKM online shop, you can exclude your Trade customers from this offer by ticking the box:

14. Finally, you need to click the green Save button on the bottom right-hand side of the page to save your discount:

[remember]If you already have some offers set up in the Discount Management feature, you must be aware of Discount Priority to ensure that the correct discounts trigger in the correct order. You can read more about Discount Priority in this guide.[/remember]



[contact] If you need our help with your EKM online shop, contact your Ecommerce Expert or the Customer Support Team, who will be able to point you in the right direction. We're open from 8am-6pm weekdays and 9am-5.30pm weekends. If you'd like to suggest a feature or an upgrade on any of the EKM platforms, please let us know on the EKM Suggestions Board. If you have a non-account-specific question to ask the EKM Team, join us in the EKM Community. [/contact]