[intro]In this Guide, you’ll find a list of ideas for blog posts to help you populate the blog on your EKM online shop with quality content to encourage sales and increase brand awareness.[/intro]



Now you’ve set up a blog on your EKM online shop, you may be wondering what exactly you should blog about? Obviously, a successful blog needs to be updated with quality content regularly, to encourage a readership and in turn, increase traffic to your EKM online shop. 

[tips]Presuming you’ve set up other social media platforms to promote your EKM online shop - such as a Facebook Page, YouTube channel, Instagram profile, TikTok or Twitter - your blog posts can both contain content from and link to these profiles.  

For example, if you write a blog post, you can embed one of your own YouTube videos in it quite easily; the same goes for individual Instagram posts before you share a link to your blog post on your Facebook Page or on Pinterest. This encourages followers on your other social media platforms as you’re posting quality content regularly, and it also encourages readers of your blog to click and follow your profiles too. Ultimately, blog posts are brilliant as central places for content where readers can select where else they can follow you, and provide a place where they can check in regularly to read your latest piece of content. [/tips]  

There are two kinds of content that blog posts can be divided into, which is worth bearing in mind when you are planning. The first kind of blog post is commonly referred to as ‘evergreen content’, where the subject is not particularly newsworthy or time-sensitive, such as the first suggestion in the list ‘How do you source new product lines?’. A blog post on this topic can be posted at any time, and although it serves the purpose of educating your readers about your brand and provides links to your EKM online shop, it is not particularly newsworthy.

The second kind of blog post is time-sensitive and newsworthy. This is a blog post that is related to a specific time, date, news story, product launch, promotion or something similar. These kinds of blog posts need to be allocated time to be planned out and in some cases researched, and their publication should take precedence over your other evergreen content. If you plan to schedule your blog posts in advance, make sure you work out when the time-sensitive content is due to be published and use your evergreen content to fill the gaps to ensure that your blog remains regularly updated. 

In this Guide, there’s a list of 50 different blog post ideas - divided into five different themes - which should suit the vast majority of EKM online shops, regardless of the industry and kind of products involved. 

Your Product Range

The suggestions for blog posts in this list are all themed around the products that you sell on your EKM online shop. You should include links to the relevant product and category pages where possible and remember that in these blog posts, you don’t need to write out the ‘facts’ of the products unless it’s pertinent to the blog content, as readers can visit the product pages and read more in the Product Descriptions. Instead, in the blog posts, discuss the ‘sizzle’ about your products; what problems do they solve for your readers? How can these products make life easier for them?

1. How do you source new product lines?

When you’re looking to expand your range, how do you do it? Tell your readers the story of the journey from conception to sale. If you typically source your products from a supplier, what do you look for in terms of quality, details or features? You don’t have to reveal who your suppliers are, but rather tell the tale from the point of view of your customers, and how you ensure quality products for them based on customer feedback, a gap in your existing product range, or another factor entirely.

If you make your own products, where do you begin with their creation? Is this a result of customer requests? How do you decide which materials to use? Do you create any prototypes beforehand? Again, tell the story from conception to sale, and if you can, include a video from your YouTube channel, Instagram Reel or TikTok embedded within the post as well as any images to help illustrate the different steps involved.

2. Sneak Peeks

If you’re just starting out with your EKM online shop, it’s a good idea not to add all of your products to sale first and instead, save a handful to release over a specific period, so you can build customer anticipation and create content for your socials at the same time. There’s a variety of different ways you can do ‘sneak peek’ posts - you can take a photo of a small part of the product for your Instagram Stories and not reveal the entire product, for example - yet on a blog post, you can add lots of product images and minimally list the features and details of whatever the new item is. Include a date of when this product is available to purchase on your EKM online shop, and details of any existing discounts or promotions which may or may not be included.

3. Launching a new product range

After a sneak peeks style blog post, it’s a good idea to follow this up on the launch day of the product with a more extensive list of features and details, including different product images from your initial sneak peek post. Don’t forget to include prices, shipping costs and times, and again, details of discounts or offers and of course, a link to the relevant product page of your EKM online shop so your blog readers can purchase the new product.  

4. Compare your product

If one of your products has a popular dupe or copy, write about the differences between your own product and the replica. Which is better quality? Which is more expensive? Which is more compatible with other products? Which has more features and functionality? You could go one step further and compare your own product to two competing products from elsewhere - one the next lowest in price, and one the next highest.  Of course, this takes a certain amount of honesty to do but is a chance for you to show off your working knowledge of your products in a blog post.

5. Provide a list of essential products

This is of course dependent on your range and the kind of products you supply but provide a list of essential products a customer may need to get started. For example, this could be crafting tools, fishing equipment, a statement garment, a piece of furniture or a handbag. The idea behind this kind of blog post is that it's ideal content for a reader who is interested in your products but perhaps does not know where to start, so with your knowledge and product range, you can recommend essential items for them to begin. You can provide product images, hints and tips, plus links to the relevant product pages on your EKM online shop. You could also offer a discount code for readers who are purchasing these specific items from you to help you monitor the success of this particular blog post. 

6. Dos and don’t when looking for a specific product

Equally, ‘Dos and don’ts’ style blog posts work really well for readers of your blog that are just getting started in your particular industry or interest. From industries such as plumbing, tiling and building, to more domestic crafting, clothing and homewares, there’s plenty of ‘dos and don’ts’ style advice you can put in your blog post, demonstrating both your products and your wealth of product knowledge. 

7. Misconceptions about products

Blog posts that detail the misconceptions about something can generally do really well, as they’re easily shared and a source of information for readers who are just starting out in your particular industry or niche. Content like this is an excellent way to talk about the features of your products whilst also providing more generalised useful information, so it has a high chance of being shared elsewhere by your readers too. 

8. What product works best with another product?

Again, for readers just beginning to learn about your products, in the case of items that are compatible or complement each other, write content about what these products are and why. For clothing, this can be along the lines of ‘How to style this season’s denim jacket’ with maybe ten other items you sell which would look good paired with the initial denim jacket. For furniture, this could be a simple chair and ten other items, such as throws, cushions and side tables that complement the initial product.

9. Common mistakes for newbies

Remember, once you’ve learned something yourself, it’s very difficult to ‘unlearn’ it, but for newcomers to your niche or industry, your wisdom is very valuable. With this in mind, write a blog post which is a list of maybe ten or more common mistakes that amateurs make, and the correct way to rectify or avoid these. Again, you can link to the relevant products within the text, but this content is also valuable as it’s free information that can be shared further afield. 

10. Current product trends

Most industries and niches will see common trends for products people are buying to wear or complete specific tasks, sometimes in a whole new way. Product trends can include things like a specific aesthetic or colour palette, a fashion or style trend or something more cultural, such as a meme or news story - like the Met Gala or the World Cup. If there’s a product trend of some kind within your niche, write a post about it - you can either make it fun and informal, or informative, dependent on the range that you sell on your EKM online shop. 

[tips]Remember that to make blog post content easier to read and digest, use images, infographics and videos where possible. This helps to illustrate the point and break up large chunks of text. [/tips]

Your Industry or Niche

The suggestions for blog posts in this list are themed around your industry or niche, depending on what kind of products you sell. Blog posts around this particular theme are excellent for showing off your existing background knowledge and help establish your blog as a place for your readers to go to actually learn more about your niche. This content is particularly rich in information and therefore has a high chance of being shared elsewhere by your readers, so make sure to include relevant links to pages within your EKM online shop, as well as images to make the text easier to digest.

1. Industry Events

If you attend any events such as trade shows, fairs or exhibitions, be sure to take your camera with you and make a note of the other businesses you speak to. You could even link to their sites which would encourage them to share your blog post and spread your brand to a wider audience. Ideally, you need to talk about your purpose for being there and take lots of photos of your branding and staff where possible. This doesn’t need to be an excessively image-heavy post, but it’s good to illustrate the event where possible.

2. Hints, tricks & tips

As you have a wealth of knowledge about your products and your specific trade, why not share that with your readers? List style blog posts work well here, such as ‘10 ways to style [your product]’ or ‘15 ways you can use [your product]’. Blog posts like this are highly shareable content, so be sure to utilise this method often.

3. Free Resources

Depending on your industry, you may know of a wealth of free resources online that your readers may be interested in. For example, if you sell furniture, you might know of a number of free websites you can use to help you plot out furniture in a given space. If you sell cosmetics, you might regularly use specific websites for inspiration and tips. If so, make a list of these useful free resources and write your blog post about them. 

4. Industry News

As an expert in your niche, you probably regularly read news pertinent to your industry. If there are any stories that apply to your readers (because of course, not all industry news is relevant to the general public), then write about those and they may be affected. For example, if you sell tabletop games, miniatures and accessories and you’ve discovered that a game studio is releasing a reboot of Hero Quest, let your readers know about it. If you sell computer games and consoles and there’s a major update to them, let your readers know about it. This helps your blog become a place your readers can go to for reliable news about their specific niche.

5. Wisdom & Advice

Similar to the ‘hints, tricks & tips’ style posts, this blog post suggestion is for more in-depth content, and involves advice you can give to your readers about your specific niche. Instead of making a list-style blog post as suggested for ‘hints, tricks & tips’, make this post about a single subject. For example, if you sell outdoor activities equipment, write about all of the steps involved to waterproof boots and clothing, listing the correct preparation, procedures and products used (with links to the relevant product pages of course). 

6. What to Watch

If there’s a specific YouTube channel that you think would be beneficial to your readers, write about it and provide a link or embed it within your blog post if you can - even better if you have a list of five or ten of them. Equally, if there’s a documentary or series on Netflix, Amazon Prime or terrestrial television, you could write about this too, and embed the trailers in the blog post.  

7. Book Recommendations

As an expert in your industry or niche, if there’s a book that has been released which you think will be beneficial to your readers, write about it in a blog post. Give your own honest thoughts in a review, and if possible, try and link to the book in audio format too (as there are lots of people who prefer audiobooks).

8. Podcast Recommendations

Equally, there are literally thousands of podcasts about some very specialised subjects online - many of them available for free. As a small business owner, if you’re a regular listener of podcasts, it might be worth seeing if there are any which your blog readers may be interested in - especially if they’re new to your industry or niche. Provide links to these podcasts and let them know how you listened; iTunes, Spotify, Audible, etc. Make sure you tag the social media accounts of the podcasts into your text too.

9. Events Calendar

If your chosen industry or niche regularly has events that can be attended by members of the public, then list these down and recommend them to your readers. You’ll need to link to the official websites about the events and if there’s a lot, you could even divide these up into four ‘seasonal’ posts. Content like this helps to cement your blog as a reliable source for industry information. 

10. Social Channels

Chances are that there are social media channels dedicated to your industry or niche. This can be YouTube channels, Vimeo channels, Instagram profiles, TikTok accounts or similar, where the content may be beneficial to your blog readers. If this is the case, make a list of them into a blog post, linking to the relevant social media profiles and embedding videos and images where applicable. If there’s a lot that you can recommend, you could break these into platform types, such as ‘Ten of our favourite YouTube channels’ or ‘Our list of the best [niche name] TikToks’ for example. 

Your EKM online shop

Blog post suggestions here are themed around your EKM online shop, which gives regular readers to your blog the opportunity to learn about the benefits of shopping with you. Ideally, these posts should be utilised when you have built up a decent readership to your blog, so you have plenty of shareable, informational style posts to give readers a reason to return again and again, whilst content specifically about your EKM online shop should be presented on occasion so that your audience doesn’t feel like they’re being swamped with ‘salesy’ style content.

1. Promotions

If you have any promotions or discounts due to run on your EKM online shop, write a blog post about them. Make one blog post per discount - to keep the message clear - and let your readers know when the discount/promotion is due to begin and end, what it includes and what kind of items they could purchase with links to the relevant product pages, of course. Ideally, you need to publish the post before the discount or promotion launches, so that the blog post can be shared on your other social media profiles beforehand to raise awareness and create anticipation. 

2. Socials

If you open an account on a social media platform that you have not used before, such as Instagram or TikTok, use your blog to do a countdown until the launch of this new platform to encourage followers on there too. You could also ask your blog readers if they use this platform already and have them post a link to their profile in the comments to encourage followers for them too. 

3. Delivery & Shipping

If there are any major changes to the usual shipping and delivery methods set up on your EKM online shop, such as an increase in prices, or the ability to ship abroad, for example, write about this in a blog post which can then be shared across your other social media profiles. 

4. New Packaging

Whilst changing the packaging you use to ship your products may be perceived as a mundane piece of news, this depends on what you’re changing it to. If you’re going to phase out the current packaging for something that’s recycled or ecologically sustainable for example, this can be written about in a blog post. Content like this is good for demonstrating that your brand is ecologically conscious and is a good place to embed ‘packing an order with me’ style Tiktoks and Instagram Reels.

5. New Design

If you’ve recently redesigned your EKM online shop by adding a new Theme or launching an entirely new Category of Products you’ve not previously stocked before, this makes for great blog content. Provide links to the Products in the new Category, or alternatively, provide screenshots of the new design to let customers know of any obvious changes. For example, if they need to click somewhere different to log into their account to view their previous orders with you, or there's a new way to pay, such as LayBuy or Apple Pay.

6. Loyalty Scheme

If you have installed the Loyalty Points feature on your EKM online shop, write about the launch of your Loyalty Point scheme, how customers can earn Loyalty Points, what they’re worth and how they can be spent. Add all this into a blog post and ensure you share it on your other social media profiles too.

7. Customer Accounts

If you have installed both the Customer Login and Wish List features on your EKM online shop, this ensures that customers can create accounts of their own and make lists of Products that they would like to purchase from you in the future. You could write about this in a blog post, detailing the advantages that regular customers can enjoy (such as discount codes, for example), and how readers of your blog can sign up.

8. Gift Cards

If you have installed the Gift Cards feature, you could write a blog post about their launch on your EKM online shop, what denominations are available and how these Gift Cards make ideal gifts for family and friends. Blog content like this is best published in the approach to large events, such as Christmas or Black Friday.

9. Customer Reviews

If you have installed the Customer Reviews feature on your EKM online shop, you’ll no doubt have begun to collect reviews from previous customers. If there are particularly funny or notable reviews, write a blog post about these - especially if the customer has uploaded some entertaining photographs of them using the product. Blog content like ‘Review of the Week’ - if you’re lucky enough to garner some interesting or funny reviews - is often very shareable on lots of different social media platforms.  

10. Email Newsletters

Does your EKM online shop offer Email Newsletters via EKM Email Marketing? If so, a blog post every few months advertising this can do wonders in terms of attracting new subscribers. Write about what readers can expect to receive in their newsletters, how often they can expect to receive them, and details of previous campaigns where subscribers were rewarded with things like news of new product launches or specific discount codes.

Behind the Scenes

Suggested blog posts in this list pertain to what goes on behind the scenes as this kind of content helps readers learn about your company, your staff and your values. Blog posts like this encourage readers to become customers and encourage them to form a relationship of sorts with your brand. Like blog posts about your EKM online shop, these too should be used sparingly so your readership does not feel like they are being swamped by ‘salesy’ type content; remember, the key objective of a blog is to entertain and inform. 

1. How is it made?

If you make the products that you sell on your EKM online shop in-house, show your blog readers how it is done. Obviously, you don’t have to reveal all the tricks of the trade as it were, but detail the processes that a product goes through before it is shipped to your customers. Blog content like this is a good way to show off your technical knowledge and the quality of your products via a blog post, with embedded photos and videos for the most impact.

2. Meet the Team

Depending on the size of your business, you can create some Meet The Team style blog content. Rather than write about the entire team of staff as a whole, introduce them each in a blog post series that runs for weeks (or months, depending on how many staff you have). Ask your staff questions about their job within your company, what their favourite product is from the EKM online shop (with a link to the product page of course!) and how they got started within the team. Don’t forget to add in some photos too! A good example of these kinds of posts can be seen on the Vital Parts blog.

3. Office Pets

For companies who might not have a team of staff yet, don’t panic! If you have a cat, dog, or even a goldfish - congratulations! You’ve officially got an office pet. If you’re due to release a blog post but have no particularly newsworthy content, write about the office pet - what it is, how old it is, what its role is - and don’t forget to embed photos and videos where possible. Content of animals is highly shareable, so written with a good angle, this could encourage more readers to your blog.          

4. A typical day

What’s your schedule? Whilst it’s not exciting to you, it’s a great way to let customers what goes on behind the scenes for you as the business owner. Take photos, or videos or both and embed these into the text to talk your readers through an average day at your business from start to finish. Done well, posts of this type help readers form a relationship of sorts with you, your brand and your products.

5. Job Vacancies

If there are any vacancies at your business, advertise these within a blog post. Give an informal summary of what the role entails, what skills are required and how prospective applicants can apply. Use images to break up the text if you can, and be sure to share this blog post to your Facebook Page, so that Facebook users within your locality can tag in friends and family who may be interested in applying.

6. Personal Posts

If you go on holiday, or have a day off and visit somewhere different, this too can become a blog post. Again, you can link to other websites via your blog post - such as restaurants you ate at or tourist spots you visited. Add photos in there if you can, and bonus points if you can get a bit of your company branding into the images too!

7. FAQs

There are lots of different kinds of Frequently Asked Questions blog posts you could write! From the business owner, questions about how they started the business and it’s humble beginnings, to common questions newcomers to your niche or industry typically ask. Content like this, especially the latter where it provides valuable information for people, is very shareable.

8. All for a good cause

What causes or charities does your brand support and why? Are they local to you? Do they have a fundraising event or task coming up that you or members of your team are taking part in? If so, get this detailed in a blog post, alongside any photos and videos where applicable.

9. Events

If you have a bricks-and-mortar shop, and you’re holding an event on your own premises - such as late night shopping - or if you’re attending a public event with your business, such as a Christmas Market, get the details added to a blog post to encourage readers within your locality to attend. Posts of this kind are ideal for sharing on Facebook, especially if you create an Event on your Facebook Page too.

10. Pack an Order

Pack an order on camera - this can be step by step with photos, or if you have opened a TikTok to promote your EKM online shop, in video format. This can be embedded in the text which explains how orders are packed - with nods to ecologically aware practises of course - to show your readers and customers the kind of quality expected when they purchase items from you and your brand.

Trending Topics

Blog post suggestions here are based on subjects that will trend regularly online. Blog posts based around trending topics aren’t evergreen content, but because of the trending topic theme will be highly shareable if done well. 

1. Holidays

Any national holidays coming up, such as Bank Holidays? If you have a bricks-and-mortar shop or will be off work to celebrate the holiday, highlight this in a blog post. If it’s the school holidays and your product ranges features toys and games for children, be sure to highlight these in a list - ‘Our Top Ten Toys for the Holidays on a Budget’ for example.

2. Gift Suggestions

Equally, if there are some events coming up which typically revolve around gift-giving such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas and so on, if your product range has applicable items, create a blog post consisting of a list of products you recommend such as ‘10 Gifts For Her This Valentine’s Day’ - with links to the relevant Categories/Product Pages and mention of any relevant discounts or promotions too. Blog posts of this nature appear to trend well on Twitter, so if you have opened a Twitter account to promote your EKM online shop, be sure to post a link to your blog post there too.

3. Memes

Whilst not recommended for those who don’t understand internet in-jokes, for those that do, memes are a good way to create blog posts, depending of course on the kind of meme that is trending. Whilst there are often several very popular memes trending over the course of days or weeks, some memes - such as the Harlem Shake, the Mannequin Challenge or the Ice Bucket Challenge - could easily be replicated with your products and your staff where applicable. Remember though that the key to doing memes well is to publish the content whilst the meme is still fresh - don't do the mistake of trying to replicate an old meme; the Harlem Shake and the like are several years old now, so you need to keep your ears to the ground for the next one that is due to take off.

4. Black Friday & Cyber Monday

In the world of ecommerce, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the busiest periods of the year for many EKM online shops. In terms of blog content, it’s a good idea to create a series of posts featuring the products that will be on sale during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, like ‘Our Top Ten [Category name] [Product type] reductions for Black Friday 2021’. Done well, you can create a series of these based on your product range and individual Categories and release these on a regular basis in the weeks before Black Friday and Cyber Monday, embedding Product Images and including links to the relevant Product and Category Pages on your EKM online shop as always.

5. Happy Birthday

Birthdays can be a trending topic locally, nationally or globally, depending on whose birthday it is. Obviously, the birthdays of famous people will always trend on social media, but you can use this to your advantage if the products on your EKM online shop can be aligned with them. For example, if it’s David Bowie’s birthday and your EKM online shop sells David Bowie albums, it’d be prudent to create a blog post to publish first thing on the day all about Bowie with links to the albums you have in stock in the footer of the post. 

Equally, if it’s the birthday of your business, or your birthday, or one of your staff has just turned 21 for the second time, or even the office pet’s birthday - create a post all about it to share on your social media profiles. Content like this - especially where it concerns real people - gives the readers of your blog the chance to build a relationship of sorts with you and your brand.

6. Seasons

Some industries and niches rely on the seasons. This is most commonly seen in the clothing/fashion industries, where designers and buys will typically feature new clothing twice a year; once in the winter for the upcoming Spring/Summer collection and again in the summer for Autumn/Winter. Other industries that rely on the seasons are those concerned with outdoor pursuits and sports, so with this in mind, if your product range fits into these categories, prepare some blog content listing the products you recommend for the upcoming season. As always, include images of the products and links to the relevant Product and Category pages of your EKM online shop.

7. Today’s News

Obviously, avoid anything negative or controversial, such as politics, war and crime, but on occasion, a light-hearted news story will occur that you will be able to relate to your product range. For example, everyone remembers the lady who was caught on camera putting a cat in a wheelie bin; this story was in the news for days, and the woman was eventually tracked down and fined by police. However, whilst the story was trending there were plenty of pet owners - especially cat owners - going online to vent their frustrations. With this in mind, if your EKM online shop sold pet accessories or cat food, writing a blog post about your stance on that particular news story whilst it was trending would’ve been very beneficial, and demonstrated to your existing readers your love of animals and industry knowledge.  

8. Nostalgia

Blog posts based on history and nostalgia - when written and researched well - make for very shareable content, and can be applied to a great deal of different industries and niches. For example, if your EKM online shop sells white goods like cookers and fridges, did you know that Noel Edmonds used to be the face of the British Gas Cookability TV adverts in the 1970s? (these can be found on YouTube for those interested). 

If your EKM online shop sells records and tapes, your blog could be about all the times when musicians and bands famously failed to lip-sync on Top of The Pops. If your EKM online shop sells car accessories, make a blog post about your very first car - what kind was it? Is there a YouTube of the original TV advert for that vehicle that you can embed? 

The point of nostalgic posts isn’t necessarily to link to products within your EKM online shop, but to create something that is nostalgic for your readers and most importantly shareable by them on other platforms. YouTube is an excellent place to look for TV adverts from yesterday, whilst The Advertising Archives are fantastic for advertising from yesteryear.

9. Today in History

These kinds of posts are very easy to create with some preparation. If you visit Wikipedia and type in a date - such as October 7th, for example - Wikipedia will provide you with a list of things that have occurred on that date, including news, inventions, births, deaths, Holidays and so on. You can also search Wikipedia for a specific year, and from that page, a specific topic, such as music, films, science and television, to name but a few. 

From this fantastic resource, it’s really easy to find historical occurrences which can be related to your Product range. For example, if your EKM online shop sells ‘retro culture’ gifts, take a look at the merchandise you supply - is it related to music, TV and movies of previous years and decades? If your EKM online shop sells football kits, are there any notable dates coming up? Find out the dates and get writing - you can usually find trailers of clips easily on YouTube which can be embedded in your text, as can the links to your own product range.

10. What’s on the Box?

Especially during the colder months, whatever is on television usually trends on social media really well. Examples include Married At First Sight, I’m A Celebrity - Get Me Outta Here, Celebrity SAS and also if there’s a particularly juicy storyline on Coronation Street or Eastenders.  

These television trends are quite powerful, and if your products or brand can be related to them - such as selling cookery books or kitchen accessories and blogging about The Great British Bake Off; your predictions for the winners, where the losers went wrong, products you sell which could have helped the contestants, etc. Obviously, posts of this nature do take some preparation and you obviously need to watch the programme in question to be able to give your opinion, but the finished content is very shareable.

At this point, you should have identified several of the suggestions within this list that you can quite easily turn into blog content to increase your readership, brand awareness and visitors to your EKM online shop. Also remember that after you have a decent number of posts on your blog, you can share these a second time on your social media profiles with the tag #ICYMI (‘In Case You Missed It’) which is an ideal way to broaden the audience of your content.  



[contact] If you need our help with your EKM online shop, contact your Ecommerce Expert or the Customer Support Team, who will be able to point you in the right direction. We're open from 8am-6pm weekdays and 9am-5.30pm weekends. If you'd like to suggest a feature or an upgrade on any of the EKM platforms, please let us know on the EKM Suggestions Board. If you have a non-account-specific question to ask the EKM Team, join us in the EKM Community. [/contact]