[intro]If you’re still not sure what Theme to choose, or if you’re looking for specific features, this Guide lists all of the available Themes on the EKM online shop platform. Don’t forget, you can always use your Test Shop to experiment with different Themes without interrupting the activity in your live shop.  [/intro]

Selecting a Theme

When you first open your EKM online shop account, you're invited to select a Theme according to your industry and the Products that you plan to sell. This part of the process is designed in this way so that those who perhaps haven't owned an online shop and are not sure what features they would like to have be guided towards Themes that will suit them best. 

The EKM online shop platform will automatically offer you the latest Themes when you initially open your account, and these are known as Aerial Themes. We also offer older legacy Themes too, and whether you choose from an Aerial Theme or a legacy Theme depends on what you would like to do with your EKM online shop.

Aerial Themes

These Themes have a variation available for each industry, but their content and layout can be amended according to your brand and your products. 

  • The Theme Editor allows for more customisation without the need for coding skills;
  • You can quickly add, edit and delete Sections;
  • You edit Homepage, Category, Subcategory and Product Pages universally within your EKM online shop;
  • Aerial is fully mobile responsive so will automatically adjust to fill the browser being used to view it;
  • Any updates to the EKM online shop platform - such as new features, for example - will automatically be applied;
  • Mega Menu;
  • Contact Number in Header;
  • Categories can be listed on the Homepage;
  • Subcategory Images on Category Pages;
  • In Category Descriptions;
  • Large Product Images on Product Pages.

You can choose an Aerial Theme for you industry by clicking the Featured Themes tab on the left-hand side of the Select Theme page:

Legacy Themes

These Themes offer the ability to be edited both by the Layout Editor, with more complex, custom changes facilitated by EKM's in-house Design Team in the form of Tweaks. Legacy Themes:

  • Use the Layout Editor to change the order of different elements;
  • Can be used as the basis for custom design - which requires some coding knowledge;
  • Are responsive;
  • Offer a variety of different menu styles;
  • Have different features - such as Sticky Headers, Product Overlays and circular Subcategory Images.

[remember]If you would like to discuss a custom design, you can speak to our in-house Design Team to discuss what we can do to make your ideas a reality. Click here to book a call at your convenience. [/remember]

[tips]The more recent the Theme, the more use you will have from it - we recommend that you upgrade your Theme every two years - this ensures that your online shop design will be unaffected by upgrades to browsers, user experience research and a host of other factors which can affect how your site displays to potential customers. Some of the older Themes will be eventually discontinued as their layout and structure pertain to older standards for user experience and browser compatibility.[/tips]

Legacy Themes by Industry

If you'd like to use a legacy Theme, these are designed with different industries in mind, so if you're not sure where to begin, take a look at the Themes most related to your product range:

Animals and Pets

Mare, Meo, Triad, Fetch!

Arts and Crafts

Queen, Opus, Pablo, Soap, Hipstar


Turbo, Motor, Gas Head

Clothing and Fashion

Loki, North, Cherub, PM, Wahine, Blanc, Soxxx, Empire, Detour, Bohemian

ElectronicsOffbeat, Digital, Hitbox, GC
DIY and Construction

Decor, Handmade, House & Home

Flower and Garden

Bonsai, Flora, Grove, Eden

Food and Drink

Marble, Zestbox, Solo, Hooch, Couleur, Avocado, Baker, Feast, Grow-cer, Spirit


Querky, Token, Coco, AM, Noir

Health and Beauty

Odin, Refresh, Lotus, Nox


Idea, Maison, Abode, Casa


Orthodox, Freya, Swiss, Quartz, Era


Vixen, Entice, Cream, Lumos

Sports and Recreation

Optimum, Kicker, Break, Marathon

Toys and Games

Kinder, Plaything, Auror

However, there are plenty of cases where the suggested industries don't match up with what you're planning to sell, or you're already familiar with running an online shop so already have a good idea of the kind of features and functionality you would like from your Theme.

[tips]Don't forget that even after you have applied a Theme to your EKM online shop, you can still experiment with different Themes within your Test Shop without interrupting the activities of your live shop. [/tips]

What to look for when selecting your Theme

Essentially, it's the Design Images and some of the features which define what Theme is best for what industry. With this in mind, you can technically customise any Theme to display your Products by changing the Design Images and amending the colour scheme to suit your brand. If you wish to do this, then there are a couple of things you need to consider before you select your Theme to make sure that it is the best fit for you and guarantees the most longevity.

Selecting a Menu

To begin with, you need to decide what kind of Menu will best suit your Products. If you have a lot of Products divided into lots of different Categories, then you may be best suited to a Mega Menu. However, if you have seven Categories or fewer, you might find a Pop-out Menu or Burger Menu suits you better. 

[remember]Although our Tweaks Team can add specific elements onto your Theme for you if need be, they cannot amend a Menu, as this is unique to the Theme itself. With this in mind, select the kind of Menu you would like as a priority when selecting the best Theme for you and your EKM online shop. [/remember]

Design Images

If the appearance of your Products is paramount - like if you sell clothing, footwear, jewellery or similar - then a Theme with plenty of large Design Images will serve you well. However, if you sell items where the appearance is not as important - such as machine components, plumbing supplies or similar, then Design Images aren't as important and you would benefit more from a Theme where the Product Attributes are listed alongside the Product itself. 

[tips]If you haven't tried our latest Themes yet - why not give Aerial a go? These Themes use Theme Editor, allowing you to drag and drop elements into place on your Homepage, Category and Product Pages. [/tips]

Abode, AM, Auror, Avocado

Industry:HomewareGiftsToys and GamesFood and Drink
Layout Editor: 
Menu Style:Pop-out MenuPop-out MenuBurger MenuVertical Burger Menu
Contact Number:In FooterIn HeaderIn Footer
Homepage Style:

Call To Action:In Header

In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages: 
Product Page Style:Product Page TabsProduct Page TabsProduct Page TabsProduct Page Accordion
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:
Other Features:

Large Product Images on Homepage

Sticky Header
Design Image on Category Pages
Large Images on Product Pages

Baker, Blanc, Bohemian, Bonsai

Industry:Food and DrinkClothing and FashionClothing and FashionFlower and Garden
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Basic MenuSticky Burger MenuPop-out MenuPop-out Menu
Contact Number:In FooterIn Footer
In Footer
Homepage Style:

Image Heavy

Call to Action:

In Header
In Header
In Category Descriptions: 
Subcategory Images on Category Pages: 
Product Page Style:Product Page AccordionProduct Page HeadersProduct Page TabsProduct Page Accordion
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:
Other Features:

Circular Subcategory Images on Category Pages

Product Overlay

Quantity Selector

Quantity Selector

Product Overlay

Break, Casa, Cherub, Coco

Industry:Sports and RecreationHomewareClothing and FashionGifts
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Pop-out MenuVertical Pop-out MenuPop-out MenuPop-out Menu
Contact Number:In FooterIn FooterIn FooterIn Footer
Homepage Style:
ShallowImage Heavy
Call To Action:In Header

In Category Descriptions: 
Subcategory Images on Category Pages: 
Product Page Style:Product Page HeadersProduct Page HeaderProduct Page AccordionProduct Page Headers
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:
Other Features:Categories displayed on Homepage
Large Product Images on Product Pages
Product OverlayDesign Images on Category PagesTwo large Products on Homepage

Couleur, Cream, Decor, Detour

Industry:Food and DrinkLingerieDIY and ConstructionClothing and Fashion
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Vertical Burger MenuVertical Burger MenuPop-out MenuVertical Pop-out Menu
Contact Number:In Footer
In FooterIn Footer
Homepage Style:Image Heavy
Image Heavy
Call To Action:In HeaderIn HeaderIn Header
In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages:  
Product Page Style:Product Page Header'Read More' Product DescriptionsProduct Page TabsProduct Page Header
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:
Other Features:Sticky HeaderLarge Product Images on Category Pages
Quantity Selector
Category Page Design Images

Digital, Eden, Empire, Entice

Industry:ElectronicsFlower and GardenClothing and FashionLingerie
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Mega MenuPop-out MenuVertical Pop-out MenuPop-out Menu
Contact Number:In Header
In FooterIn Footer
Homepage Style:

Call To Action:In HeaderIn Header

In Category Descriptions: 

Subcategory Images on Category Pages:
Product Page Style:Product Page AccordionProduct Page TabsProduct Page HeaderProduct Page Accordion
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:
Other Features:Categories on Homepage
Large Product Images on Product Pages
Quantity Selector
Product Overlay
Large Product Images

Sticky Header

Era, Feast, Fetch!, Flora

Industry:JewelleryFood and DrinkAnimals and PetsFlower and Garden
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Vertical Pop-out MenuVertical Pop-out MenuPop-out MenuPop-out Menu
Contact Number:In FooterIn MenuIn FooterIn Footer
Homepage Style:Shallow HomepageShallow HomepageImage Heavy HomepageProduct Images
Call To Action:

In Header
In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages:
Product Page Style:Product Page HeaderProduct Page TabsProduct Page TabsProduct Page Header
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:
Other Features:Design Images on Category Pages

[tips]Don't forget that if you require a certain kind of functionality on your EKM online shop - such as Categories to display on your Homepage by default for example - then this may be possible as a Tweak. Get in contact with our Customer Support Team for more information. [/tips]


Freya, Gas Head, GC

FreyaGas HeadGC
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Pop-out MenuPop-out MenuPop-out Menu
Contact Number:
In FooterIn Header

Homepage Style:Image Heavy HomepageShallow Homepage

Call To Action:
In Header

In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages:

Product Page Style:Product Page HeaderProduct Page TabsProduct Page Tabs
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:
Other Features:Sticky HeaderFirst two Featured Products display extra large

Grove, Grow-cer, Handmade, Hipstar

Industry:Flower and GardenFood and DrinkDIY and ConstructionArts and Crafts
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Pop-out MenuPop-out MenuVertical Pop-out MenuPop-out Menu
Contact Number:In FooterIn FooterIn Footer

Homepage Style:

Product Scrollers
Image HeavyImage Heavy
Call To Action:In HeaderIn HeaderIn HeaderIn Header

In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages:
Product Page Style:Product Page TabsProduct Page AccordionProduct Page HeadersProduct Page Headers
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:
Other Features:First two Homepage Products display extra largeLarge Product Images on Product PagesDesign Images on Category PagesLarge Product Images on Category Pages

Hitbox, Hooch, House & Home, Idea

HitboxHoochHouse & HomeIdea
Industry:ElectronicsFood and DrinkDIY and ConstructionHomeware
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Pop-out MenuPop-out MenuSticky Pop-out MenuVertical Burger Menu
Contact Number:In FooterIn FooterIn Footer
Homepage Style:Image Heavy

Image Heavy
Call To Action:In Header

In Header
In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages:
Product Page Style:Product Page TabsProduct Page AccordionProduct Page Accordion'Read More' Product Descriptions
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:   
Other Features:
Design Image on Category Pages
Delivery Methods in Footer

Kicker, Kinder, Loki, Lotus

Industry:Sports and RecreationToys and GamesClothing and FashionHealth and Beauty
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Pop-out MenuMega MenuSticky Pop-out MenuVertical Burger Menu
Contact Number:
In HeaderIn Footer
Homepage Style:

Image Heavy Homepage
Image Heavy HomepageImage Heavy Homepage
Call To Action:
In HeaderAll Category and Product Pages
In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages:  
Product Page Style:Product Page HeadersProduct Page HeadersProduct Page HeadersProduct Page Accordion
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:
Other Features:Large Product Images on Category Pages
Design Image on Category Pages
Large Product Images on Product Pages
Large Product Images on Product PagesProduct Page HeadersProduct Overlay

Lumos, Maison, Marathon, Marble

Industry:LingerieHomewareSports and RecreationFood and Drink
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Vertical Burger MenuPop-out MenuPop-out MenuPop-out Menu
Contact Number:In FooterIn Footer
In Footer
Homepage Style:Image Heavy Homepage
Parallax Design Images
Call To Action:
In Header
In Header
In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages:
Product Page Style:Product Page TabsProduct Page AccordionProduct Page HeadersProduct Page Tabs
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:  
Other Features:
Sticky Header
Design Images on Category Pages
Sticky HeaderDesign Image on Category PagesBackground Images in Header and Footer
Quantity Selector

[tips]Don't forget that on every Theme you can add Custom Meta Data to your Products, Categories and Webpages and Alt Text to your Design Images. This improves the SEO of your EKM online shop. [/tips]

Mare, Meo, Motor, North

Industry:Animals and PetsAnimals and PetsAutomotiveClothing and Fashion
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Mega MenuPop-out MenuMega MenuPop-out Menu
Contact Number:In FooterIn FooterIn FooterIn Footer
Homepage Style:Image Heavy HomepageParallex Design ImagesCategories on HomepageParallax Design Images
Call To Action:In HeaderOn HomepageIn Header
In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages:
Product Page Style:Product Page AccordionProduct Page HeadersProduct Page HeadersProduct Page Headers
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:     
Other Features:Webpages in Menu
Homepage Product Scrollers on Mobile
Large Featured Products on HomepageDesign Images on Category Pages

Noir, Nox, Odin, Offbeat

Industry:GiftsHealth and BeautyHealth and BeautyElectronics
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Vertical Burger Menu
Vertical Burger Menu
Pop-out MenuPop-out Menu
Contact Number:In FooterIn FooterIn FooterIn Header
Homepage Style:Image Heavy
Image Heavy HomepageImage Heavy Homepage
Call To Action:In Header
In Header
In Category Descriptions: 
Subcategory Images on Category Pages: 
Product Page Style:Product Page TabsProduct Page TabsStacked Product InfoProduct Page Accordion
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page: 
Other Features:Sticky HeaderDesign Image on Category PagesSticky Header
Quantity Selector

Optimum, Opus, Orthodox, Pablo

Industry:Sports and RecreationArts and CraftsJewelleryArts and Crafts
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Pop-out MenuSticky MenuPop-out MenuPop-out Menu
Contact Number:In FooterIn FooterIn HeaderIn Footer
Homepage Style:Image Heavy Homepage
Image Heavy HomepageCategories on Homepage
Call To Action:
In HeaderIn Footer
In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages: 
Product Page Style:Product Page Accordion
Product Page AccordionProduct Page Headers
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:
Other Features:
Large Product Images on Category Pages
Two large Featured Products on Homepage

[tips]When creating the Design Images for your Theme, don't forget to process them using TinyPng before you upload them to your EKM online shop. Optimising your Images using TinyPng will ensure that your pages load quickly for your visitors, creating a better customer experience. [/tips]

Plaything, PM, Quartz, Queen

Industry:Toys and GamesClothing and FashionJewelleryArts and Crafts
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Mega MenuPop-out MenuPop-Out MenuMega Menu
Contact Number:In FooterIn Header
In Footer
In Footer
Homepage Style:

Image Heavy Homepage
Scrolling Products
Call To Action:

In Header
In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages
Product Page Style:Product Page AccordionProduct Page TabsProduct Page AccordionProduct Page Accordion
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:
Other Features:

Sticky Header

Querky, Refresh, Soap, Solo

Industry:GiftsHealth and BeautyArts and CraftsFood and Drink
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Pop-out Menu
Mega Menu
Vertical Pop-out MenuPop-out Menu
Contact Number:In HeaderIn FooterIn FooterIn Footer
Homepage Style:
Image Heavy Homepage
Image Heavy HomepageLarge Product ImagesImage Heavy Homepage
Call To Action:In Footer

In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages:Subcategories cannot be used on this Theme
Product Page Style:Product Page AccordionProduct Page AccordionProduct Page HeadersProduct Page Headers
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:
Other Features:Quantity Selector
Shallow Homepage
Product Overlay
Single Product Theme

[tips]If you're not confident selecting a Theme and designing your EKM online shop, we can do it for you with a range of different packages available. Click here to learn more. [/tips]

Soxxx, Spirit, Swiss, Token

Industry:Clothing and FashionFood and DrinkJewelleryGifts
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Burger MenuPop-out MenuVertical Burger MenuMega Menu
Contact Number:
In Footer
In Footer
Homepage Style:Image Heavy Homepage
Image Heavy Homepage
Call To Action:
In HeaderIn Header
In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages:
Product Page Style:Product Page AccordionProduct Page Tabs'Read More' Product DescriptionProduct Page Accordion
Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:
Other Features:Product OverlayCircular Subcategory Images on Category Pages
Large Product Images on Category Pages

Triad, Turbo,Vixen

Industry:Animals and PetsAutomotiveLingerie
Layout Editor:
Menu Style:Vertical Pop-out MenuMega MenuMega Menu
Contact Number:In FooterIn Header
In Footer

Homepage Style:Shallow HomepageImage Heavy Homepage
Image Heavy Homepage

Call To Action:

In Header

In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages:
Product Page Style:
Product Page Tabs
Product Page HeaderProduct Page Accordion
Product Scroller:

Site Map Webpage:
Other Features:Design Images on Webpages, Product and Category PagesDesign Images on Category Pages

Wahine, Zestbox

Industry:Clothing and FashionFood and Drink


Layout Editor:
Menu Style:

Contact Number:
In Footer
In Footer

Homepage Style:

Call To Action:

In Category Descriptions:
Subcategory Images on Category Pages:
Product Page Style:
Product Page Tabs

Product Scroller:

Site Map Page:
Other Features:

[contact] If you need our help with your EKM online shop, contact your Ecommerce Expert or the Customer Support Team, who will be able to point you in the right direction. We're open from 8am-6pm weekdays and 9am-5.30pm weekends. If you'd like to suggest a feature or an upgrade on any of the EKM platforms, please let us know on the EKM Suggestions Board. If you have a non-account-specific question to ask the EKM Team, join us in the EKM Community. [/contact]