[intro]When you have completed this Guide, you will have added the Products on your EKM online shop to Catalogues on your Pinterest account. Before you begin, you will need to have opened a Pinterest account by following the instructions in this Guide and installed the Google Tools feature on your EKM online shop. [/intro]



[remember] For you to use Catalogues, you need to ensure that your EKM online shop adheres to Pinterest’s Merchant Guidelines and you have Webpages on your EKM online shop which include a Contact Us page, Refund Policy and Delivery Details. [/remember]

Creating a Business Pinterest Account

1. Log into your Pinterest account and click the down arrow on the top right-hand side:

2. From the drop-down menu, select ‘Add a free Business Account’:

3. In the window that appears, click the red button:

4. You’ll then need to complete the fields provided in the window before clicking the Next button on the bottom right-hand side:

5. Select your industry from the drop-down menu, and then click the Next button:

6. In the next window, you’ll need to tick the ‘Online retail’ box before clicking the Next button:

7. Click the most relevant box in the next window, and then click the Next button:

8. On the next page, you need to select ‘Showcase your Brand’ to complete customising your Business account:

9. You now need to upload a copy of your logo by clicking the Change button. This image should be 160 pixels square but will be displayed as a circle, so be sure that when you upload your image no part of your logo is cropped or cut off:

10. Now you need to complete the rest of the fields on this page with your EKM online shop details:

11. When you have added your details, you need to scroll back up to the top of the page and click the red Done button:

Connecting your EKM online shop

12. Your next step is to connect your EKM online shop to your Business account. Click Claim on the top left-hand side of the page:

13. On the next page, paste your EKM online shop into the field provided and click the Claim button:

14. In the window that appears, click to select the HTML tag:

15. You then need to copy the code in the field:

16. In a separate browser tab, log into your EKM online shop and click Design on the left-hand menu:

17. Now you need to click Theme from the drop-down options:

18. On the Design page, click Edit next to Theme:

19. From the drop-down menu, click Inject Custom Code:

20. Then you need to paste your code in the HTML Head Code field:

21. Now you need to scroll to the bottom of the page and click the green Save button:

22. Return to the browser tab displaying Pinterest and click the red Next button on the bottom right-hand side:

23. You need to click Submit on the next window and wait for an email from Pinterest to confirm that you have successfully claimed your EKM online shop:

When you have received your email to confirm that your business has been confirmed with Pinterest, your next step is to create your Pinterest Catalogue.

Creating your Pinterest Catalogue

24. To begin, you need to click this link and then click Get Started:

25. On the next page, you need to click to Add Data Source:

26. You then need to complete the fields provided to submit your Product Feed. Set the File Format to CSV, and your currency to GBP:

27. In a separate browser tab, log into your EKM online shop and open the Google Tools feature. Within the feature, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Copy to copy the URL for your Product Feed:

28. Return to the browser tab displaying Pinterest, and paste the Product Feed URL into the field provided:

29. Tick the password-protected box, which will reveal Username and Password fields - populate these with the login details for your EKM online shop, before clicking the red Create Pins button:

30. You’ll then see this window appear, whilst Pinterest validates your Product Feed:

31. You’ll then be redirected to this page whilst you wait for your email to confirm the validation of your Product Feed:

32. When you have received your email from Pinterest, you need to click the red bar within it:

33. You will then be redirected to this page. Click Business on the left-hand side, and select Business Hub from the drop-down menu:

34. Click the red Create button:

[remember]If your Product Feed is active, but you can’t see your Products listed on your Pinterest Business profile, wait a day or two. It appears that it takes a couple of days for Pinterest to approve your Products before they become actual Pins. [/remember]

Creating Product Groups

35. On the main part of the page, you’ll see your Products listed as Pins. You need to add these into specific Groups. To do this, click Product Type on the left-hand side:

36. What you are aiming to do is to recreate each of your EKM online shop Categories as Product Groups on Pinterest. Tick the box for a specific group of Products and then click Apply:

[remember]The names of your Product Groups will be visible as a Shop tab of your Pinterest Business profile, so ensure that the group names match the Category Names on your EKM online shop for best results. You can have up to 8 Shop tabs. Pinterest users can click on the Shop tab to browse the Products within each Product Group. [/remember]

37. Add the Product Group Name in the field provided and then click Save Group in the bottom right-hand corner:

38. After you have saved your Group, you’ll be directed to this page again. Click Create to make another Product Group until you have made Product Groups for all of your Products by following steps 35-38:

[remember]You need to make sure that there are at least 10 Products in each Product Group to ensure that the Group can be Featured. You can read more about Product Groups in this Guide. [/remember]

39. Click Connect Catalogue on the left-hand side:

40. This will redirect you to this page:

As long as your Product Feed remains active, your Products will be automatically updated on your Pinterest Profile. If you click Product Groups on the left-hand side, you can choose which Product Groups are featured on your Pinterest Business profile by clicking the star symbol:

[tips]You can learn more about managing your Pinterest Business profile by clicking here. [/tips]

[remember] The steps in this Guide describe how to add your Product Feed from your EKM online shop to your Pinterest Business account to populate it with Pins which link directly to your Product Pages. You will probably notice some errors with your feed on your Pinterest dashboard, but this is due to the Product Feed not being created for Pinterest's specifications. 

If you wish to resolve the errors, you will need to manually edit and update a spreadsheet of your Product Feed which meets Pinterest's specifications regularly and upload this to the Other Files area of the File Manager on your EKM online shop, before submitting its URL to Pinterest, but it is not necessary for this integration to work. [/remember]



[contact]If you need our help with your EKM online shop, contact your Ecommerce Expert, Account Manager, or the Customer Support Team, who can point you in the right direction. Our opening hours are 9 am - 5.30 pm Monday to Friday, for telephone calls, live chats, and emails. Over the weekends, we're open from 9 am - 5.30 pm, both Saturday and Sunday, to answer emails and live chat, which you can access from the Dashboard of your EKM online shop. Outside these hours, you can leave a message for us in the live chat window or email [email protected], and we will answer as soon as possible.

If you'd like to suggest a feature or an upgrade on any of the EKM platforms, please let us know on the EKM Suggestions Board. If you have a non-account-specific question to ask the EKM Team, join us in the EKM Community. [/contact]