[intro]If your EKM online shop retails Products eligible for VAT relief, you must display these slightly differently to other Products by following the steps below.[/intro]

A common example here would be EKM online shops which are retail products designed for people with disabilities. Some customers would not need to pay tax on items such as:

  • Emergency alarm call systems;
  • Sanitary devices;
  • Wheelchairs;
  • Mobility scooters;
  • Specialist beds;

Other customers shopping on the same EKM online shop may need to pay tax on those items. 

[remember]To learn more about Products that are eligible for VAT relief, the gov.uk website is an excellent place to start.[/remember]

1. To begin, create the Product as you would do normally, and then click the Variants tab:

2. Click Add Variant:

3. Click to ‘Create Variant’ for ‘Other’:

4. For the Variant Name, call it ‘VAT Relief’ or similar before clicking the green Save button:

5. For the Variant Choices, call the first one ‘I am NOT eligible for VAT relief’ or similar, before clicking the green cross symbol:

6. For the second Variant Choice, call this one ‘I am eligible for VAT relief’ or similar before clicking the green cross symbol and then clicking Save:

7. You then need to click Save Close at the bottom right-hand side of the Edit Product window:

8. Open up the same Edit Product window, and again, click Variants:

9. Click edit for the ‘eligible’ Variant Choice:

10. Use the drop-down menu and change the Tax Rate to Zero Rate before clicking Save & Close on the bottom right-hand side of the Edit Product window:

11. On the Cart Page, customers who are eligible for VAT relief would see this Product like this:

12. And customers not eligible for VAT relief would see the Product displayed like this:

Now you have set this up, it would be a good idea to create a Webpage detailing the kind of proof you require from your customers to prove their VAT exempt status, and ensure that this is linked to within the Product Description of each of your Products with Variants set up in this way.

[remember]How your Product displays VAT depends on the settings on the Tax page of your EKM online shop. In my test shop, the product prices are set to exclude tax, which is why the tax on the second example is visible on the cart page. You may want the Tax to display differently on your own EKM online shop, so you’re advised to review the settings on the Tax page and, ideally, create a Test Order to check that your Tax is displayed correctly, regardless of what Variant Choice your customers make. [/remember]

[tips]You can also add Variants to Products in bulk using the Import/Export System feature and following the steps within this Guide. [/tips]



[contact]If you need our help with your EKM online shop, contact your Ecommerce Expert, Account Manager, or the Customer Support Team, who can point you in the right direction. Our opening hours are 9 am - 5.30 pm Monday to Friday, for telephone calls, live chats, and emails. Over the weekends, we're open from 9 am - 5.30 pm, both Saturday and Sunday, to answer emails and live chat, which you can access from the Dashboard of your EKM online shop. Outside these hours, you can leave a message for us in the live chat window or email [email protected], and we will answer as soon as possible.

If you'd like to suggest a feature or an upgrade on any of the EKM platforms, please let us know on the EKM Suggestions Board. If you have a non-account-specific question to ask the EKM Team, join us in the EKM Community. [/contact]