[intro] If you ever come across a term within our Support Guides, Video Guides or from our Support Team that you don't understand, have a look for it on our Glossary. This page is regularly updated with new content so be sure to save it in your Favourites for future reference. [/intro]




03 Phone Number - Available on the Features tab, this enables you to add an 03 telephone number to your website that routes through to your landline or mobile. Click here to read more. See also: Circleloop.

1and1 - A domain provider. Click here to point your 1and1 domain at your EKM online shop, or click here to transfer your 1and1 domain to EKM Domains

123 Reg - A domain provider. Click here to point your 123 Reg domain at your EKM online shop, or click here to transfer your 123 Reg Domain to EKM Domains


Abandoned Cart Statistics -  A feature on the Features tab, that allows you to see the number of Abandoned Carts that have occurred on your online Shop. Read more about Abandoned Carts by clicking here.

About Us -  An essential webpage on your EKM Shop, About Us provides a place to tell your customers about your company and encourages them to form a relationship with you and your brand.
Add Category - The button on the top right on the blue Navigation Bar on the Shop tab which allows you to add a new Category to your online shop. Read more about adding Categories by clicking here.
Add Customer - The button on the top right of the orange Navigation Bar on the Orders tab which allows you to create an account for a customer on your online shop.

Adding Customers using Spreadsheets - Here, you can add Customer Details to your EKM online shop using the Import/Export System.
Add Product - The button on the top right of the blue Navigation Bar on the Shop tab which allows you to add a new Product to your online shop. Read more about adding Products by clicking here.
Add Quote - The button on the top right of the orange Navigation Bar on the Orders tab allows you to create a quote for a customer on your online shop. Read more about creating quotes here.
Add To Cart button - The button on the Product Page allows customers to add a product to their cart. Also, the checkbox under the Attributes tab within the Edit Product window, which, when unticked, removes the Add To Cart button from being visible on the Product Page.
Add-on - An extra part which can be added to provide extra functionality. For example, add-ons on a browser can be used to give you the ability to make screenshots, discover colour hex codes and a lot more. The features on the Features tab of your EKM Shop could also be considered add-ons as they provide the option to do more on the platform.
Address book - This is where you can store all of your friends' email addresses within your email inbox so you don't forget them.

Age Verification - A feature you can install to add a verification page to your EKM online shop. Read more in this Guide

Alias - Where an extra name can be added to an email address. For example, an alias called [email protected], set up on the existing email address [email protected], will ensure that any emails sent to team@ are received in the sales@ inbox. Read about setting up an alias in your EKM Domains account by clicking here.

API - An advanced feature available for EKM online shops on the Advanced or Pro tiers. This is the Guide you'll need.
Attachment - Often a file, word document, spreadsheet, photograph or similar that is added to an email.
Attributes - Specific details that can be added to Products allowing them to be used with Product Filters and submitted to the likes of eBay and Google Shopping. Read more about Attributes by clicking here.  


Back End - This is the version of your shop that only you can see as the shop owner; here, you can access all the edit buttons and settings.
Back In Stock Statistics - A features which allows you to see which of your out of stock Products are the most popular. You can read more about it by clicking here.

Bank Transfer - An offline payment gateway. Click here to learn more.

Bing - Microsoft's search engine. Click here to learn how to submit your EKM online shop to Bing.

Blog - Short for 'web log', a blog is effectively an online journal of events on your EKM online shop, which you can use to improve your search engine visibility and increase your traffic. To learn more, click here

Blogger - Google's blogging platform, which is ideal for beginners. Click here to get set up.

Brand - An attribute of a product. Also used to refer to your company's logo, aesthetic and ethos.
Branding - An umbrella term used to describe a company's logo, colour scheme and other elements which make that company recognisable

Bulk uploading images - If you are adding lots of new Products using a spreadsheet, you will need to bulk upload your Product Images using this Guide


Canva - A third-party platform which is excellent for creating images for your social media. Read more Canva Guide by clicking here.
Card Logos - A feature that displays specific card logos in your EKM online shop. You can read more about it by clicking here.  

Carousels - Functionality that can be added to your EKM online shop to display a range of slides. Read more about Carousels by clicking here.
Category - A 'folder' on your EKM online shop which holds Products. You can read more about them by clicking here.
Category Description - Text that describes the kind of Products that can be found within that Category. You can read more about Category Descriptions by clicking here.
Category Management - Deliberately displaying a Product not just in its own Master Category but also in Additional Categories to increase exposure and encourage further sales. Read more about Category Management by clicking here.
Category Images - A Category Image is assigned to a Category and be displayed next to the Category Name on Mobile Themes. Some Themes will display the Category Images on desktop too, and if they don't it's something the Tweaks Team can amend for you. Read more by clicking here

Cheque - An offline payment gateway. Click here to learn more.
Circleloop - A feature you can install to get your own 03 telephone number for customers to contact you. Click here to read more.
Classifications - A feature that you need to install on your EKM online shop to classify all of the Products and Categories to help search engines decide where they should display in search engine results. Read more by clicking here.

Colour Swatches - A type of Variant that displays the colour choices the Product is available in. Learn more about this by clicking here.  

Country Groups - To ship goods abroad to more than one country at once - such as in the EU for example - you need to create a Country Group. Read more by clicking here.
Cross-posting - This is when you post the same content across multiple social media platforms.

CSV - Stands for Comma Separated Values. See Spreadsheet.

Custom Attributes - Attributes such as MPN, EAN and SKU you can add to your Products using the Product Attributes feature. 

Custom Message on the Cart Page - Useful for advertising offers, providing vital information or advising your customers of their delivery dates. To configure, click here.
Custom Meta Data - A Feature on your EKM online shop. Read more about it by clicking here.
Customer Login - A Feature on your EKM online shop. Read more about it by clicking here.
Customer Reviews - A Feature on your EKM online shop. Read more about it by clicking here.
Customer Support - Our team of friendly, knowledgeable staff members are on hand to help you with your questions. Read more about them by clicking here.
Cut and Paste - The action of 'cutting' content from one page or area and 'pasting' it on another. Most commonly done by right-clicking what you want to copy to see the 'Cut' command, or by using CTRL + X keys to cut and CTRL + V keys on your keyboard to paste.  


Dashboard - The first page you see when you log into your EKM online shop account. Read more about it by clicking here.
Delete - To remove a piece of content such as an element, text or image permanently.
Delivery - The page within your Settings area allows you to create Delivery Methods to ship customers' orders out to them. Read more about it by clicking here.
Delivery Charges - A tab within the Edit Product Window where you can add extra Delivery Charges for a specific Product. Read more about it by clicking here.
Delivery Details - A field on a single order displaying the customer's delivery address. 

Delivery Settings - This is where you configure your Delivery Methods in the back end of your EKM online shop. Learn more by clicking here

Delivery Widgets - Functionality on the Cart page allows your customers to get an estimate of the delivery costs for their order. To learn more, click here.
Design Image - An image which is neither a Product or Category Image and is used to set the style and aesthetic of your shop. It is also used to advertise offers and promotions. Can be created using EKM's Image Builder.
Design tab - One of the tabs accessible from your Dashboard, where you can access the File Manager, customise the Checkout Flow and add code to the header of your Theme.
Design Team - The Team of Designers here at EKM who are responsible for performing Tweaks and designing new Themes for the EKM platform.
Desktop - Refers to the view of your shop when using a desktop or laptop computer, and not a mobile phone or tablet device.
Development Team - The Developers at EKM are responsible for creating functionality on the EKM shop platforms, such as building new Features.
Digital Garage - A free platform from Google where you can learn all about digital marketing. Click here to learn more.
Discount Management - A Feature on your EKM online shop which allows you to create coupon codes and discounts for your customers. Read more by clicking here.
Domain Name - The online 'address' for your EKM online shop. You can purchase these from other providers, but at EKM we can give you a domain name for free! Read more by clicking here.
Doofinder - A chargeable, third-party platform which provides a custom Search Engine on your EKM online shop.


EAN - Stands for Electronic Article Number, commonly listed on Products beneath the Barcode. This attribute is required to list your Products on platforms such as eBay.
eBay - The online auction site.
eBay Integration - A Feature on your EKM online shop which allows you to import Products from or export Products to the auction site. Learn more by clicking here.
Edit Category window - The window you can open to edit an existing Category on your EKM online shop. Read more about it by clicking here.
Edit Content - The field within the Edit Element windows where you can add text or images.
Edit Element - The edit buttons which appear on your shop when you have the main Edit Elements edit button turned on. These elements allow you to edit aspects of your shop's Theme.
Edit In Category Description window - Where you add the description that is displayed on the Category Page (if your Theme allows it). Read more by clicking here.
Edit Product window - The area where you can edit lots of different aspects of a single Product. Read more about it by clicking here.
EKM - The name of our e-commerce shop platform.
EKM Digital Vault - The name of the platform where you can upload digital downloads for your customers to purchase.
EKM Domains - The name of our domains platform where you can manage domains, SSL certificates and emails. Read more about it by clicking here.
EKM Live Chat - The Feature available on your EKM online shop which allows you to chat with your customers online and answer their queries.
EKM Email Marketing - Displayed on the Features page as Email Marketing, EKM Email Marketing is our separate email campaign platform which allows you to send newsletters to your customers.
EKM Tags - Commands written in [square brackets] which are used on emails and throughout the shop platform to display specific information. You can find a list of all of the available EKM tags by clicking here.
Element - An area on your EKM online shop which holds specific functionality, such as the element that contains your Carousel or your Homepage text.
Email Address - It's essential you create one on your shop's domain to contact your customers. Click here to purchase an email address via your EKM Domains account. See also Outgoing Emails.
Email Marketing - EKM Email Marketing is our separate email campaign platform which allows you to send newsletters to your customers.

Email Newsletter Modal - A pop-up window you can configure to display to encourage your customers to subscribe to your email marketing. To set it up, click here.
Engineering Team - Our Engineering Team deal with the 'mechanics' of all of the EKM platforms. They solve bugs and other issues, test out new functionality and keep all of our shops safe.
Error message - You will see these at various points online, on your own computer and sometimes on your EKM online shop. If you see one, be sure to screenshot it and let our Customer Service Team know if it's causing you issues.
Etsy - A buying platform where all of the Products for sale have been handcrafted by the merchants.
Evolution Mode - A free service we offer here at EKM to ensure your online shop content is as fresh and effective as it can possibly be. Read more by clicking here.
Evolution Team - The Evolution Team are responsible for analysing shops and carrying out the tasks required to bring them up to standard.
Excel - Microsoft Excel is a PC program where you can create and edit spreadsheets.

Exporting to eBay - Listed the Products on your EKM online shop on your eBay shop account. Click here to learn more. 

Exporting your Orders to a spreadsheet - Some of our customers like to do this for their own records. To learn how, click here.  


Facebook - The biggest social media platform and where you should set up a Facebook Page to promote your EKM online shop. Read more about it by clicking here

Facebook Debugger - A tool required to make Facebook fetch new information after you have updated your EKM online shop. Click here to learn more. 

Facebook Messenger - Facebook's own direct message platform which can be configured to work with your EKM online shop. To install it, click here

Facebook Pages - A Facebook presence created with the sole purpose of advertising an online shop or website and attracting more traffic. Read more by clicking here

Facebook Pixel - An analytics tool developed by Facebook. Click here to learn more.
FAQ - Stands for Frequently Asked Questions, we recommend adding this as a Webpage to your EKM online shop where customers can look up questions asked about your Products, your services, Delivery and Returns policies.
Favicon - A Favicon is the symbol that displays within the browser tab on the front end of your website, and next to your website’s name when it’s been saved in a browser’s favourites or bookmarks list. Read more by clicking here

Fax - An offline payment gateway. To learn more, click here.
Featured Product - Labelled as 'Special Offer' within the Edit Product window, this is one of the places where you can set a Product to be a Featured Product. Read more about Featured Products by clicking here.
Featured Themes - The Themes you see first by default when you click onto the Themes page. These are the most recently released Themes from our Design Team.
Features tab - Accessible from the Dashboard, here you'll find all of the Features that you can install on your EKM online shop.
Field - An area or a 'box' where you can add in information, such as text, or in some cases, images.
File Manager - The area within the back end of your EKM online shop where your Product, Category and Design Images are stored, as well as your Favicon and any other Files. Read more by clicking here.
Firefox - A browser that you can install on both Mac and PC.

Fold - The limited area of a homepage that a user can see without having to scroll further down. 'More than 70% of the pages recently analysed by Google in a recent study took seven seconds to load content above the fold'.
Footer - The area at the bottom of each of the page on your EKM online shop which usually lists your Webpages and contact information.
Front End - This is the term we give to the version of your EKM online shop that the customer sees. You can see it by visiting your shop without logging in but instead by typing your domain name into your browser's address bar.


GDPR - The legislation which protects personal data. Read more about it by clicking here.
GIF - An image file which is able to show moving images that display in a continuous loop. Popular on websites in the early 2000s', not so popular now as website/online shop decoration.
Gmail - Google's free email platform. 

GoDaddy - A domain provider. Click here to point your GoDaddy domain at your EKM online shop.
Google - Probably the most popular search engine of all.
Google Analytics - Google's free platform that measures traffic on your website or online shop.
Google Chrome - Google's free browser.
Google Chrome Extension - An add-on available to the Chrome browser which gives added functionality.

Google Search Console - This is where you can submit your Sitemap and Product Feed to Google. To learn more, click here.
Group ID - The number designated to a Group of Webpages.


Hex code - The code given to a specific colour, usually comprising of six letters and numbers. Learn more in this Guide.
Hits - A 'hit' is a single customer visiting a single page on your shop or website. Success is partially judged by the number of hits an online presence has (although there are many other factors to consider, as not all hits are real people - some can be bots).

Holiday Mode - A feature you install to remove the Add To Cart buttons from your Products and display custom messages on your shop whilst you're away. Click here for more details. 

Holiday Settings on the Order Summary page - A good way to allow your customers to place orders whilst you're on a beach somewhere, by advising them that you're away and their order will be shipped on a specific date. Click here to learn more. See also Custom Message on the Cart page.
HTML - The code used to determine how text displays within elements within your EKM online shop.
HTTP - The beginning of a domain name that does not have an SSL Certificate applied to it. Seen as unsafe.
HTTPS - The beginning of a domain name that does have an SSL Certificate applied to it.
Hyperlink - A link between two points, such as some underlined text or an image you can click on which will take you to a different place on the website or online shop. Read more about it in this Guide


ico - A image file type, used for Favicons. Read more by clicking here.
Icon - An image or symbol which is representative of some functionality and hyperlinked. The Features page of your EKM online shop is full of icons which represent each different feature.
Image - A picture or graphic.

Image Builder - the functionality on your EKM online shop which allows you to create design images and banners. Click here to learn more.
Images & Photos - A tab within the Edit Product window where you can upload Product Images.
Import - To bring in data to your online shop or website.
Import/Export System - The Feature which is installed to allow you to import, export, delete and edit Products, Categories, Orders and Customer Details. Read more by clicking here

Importing from eBay - A way to populate your EKM online shop with your eBay Products. Click here to learn more.

Incognito/In-private browsing - a way of using your browser to test your EKM online shop. Read more about it in this Guide.   

In Category Descriptions - The text which displays within the header or the footer of a Category Page. Learn more by clicking here

Instagram - Image-based social media platform owned by Facebook. Read more about Instagram by clicking here

Instagram Shopping - Functionality on your Business Instagram account which allows customers to buy from a link within your Instagram post. Click here to learn more.
Installed Features - These are the Features that are displayed towards the top of the Features page.
Internal Notes - A field on the Orders page where you can add notes specific to that order which are only visible to yourself as the shop owner and your staff.
Internet Explorer - Microsoft's browser. 

Invoices - These can be printed out and enclosed with the customer's order. Click here to learn more.
ISP - Stands for Internet Service Provider, which is the company who provides your internet, such as Virgin or BT. 


JPG/JPEG - A JPEG is a type of image file. JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group and these image file types have been designed to store a lot of information within a relatively small file size. JPEGs are generally regarded as bad choices for logos or graphics as this can make the image appear 'pixelated' as finer details are sacrificed when the image is created to ensure that the file size remains small.


Keyboard shortcuts - A range of combinations of different keys on your keyboard that can be used instead of looking for the command on screen. Popular keyboard shortcuts include CTRL + C to copy, CTRL + X to cut and CTRL + V to paste.


Link - underlined text or an image that will take you to a specific location when clicked.
LinkedIn - The corporate social media platform. Read more about LinkedIn by clicking here.
Logo - the image that represents your company and your brand.
Logo Builder - This is where you can create your logo on your EKM shop if you have not had one created already. To access the Logo Builder, turn on the Edit Element buttons and click Edit Element next to your existing logo; from there, select Logo Builder.
Logo Element - The element on your EKM online shop where you can access the Logo Builder and upload your logo.
Loyalty Points - A Feature available where you can reward customers for repeat visits to your EKM online shop. Read more by clicking here.


Menu - The list of Webpages, Products and Categories on your Theme.

Merchant - Someone we are hosting a shop for on our platform- our customers.

Merchant Staff - Someone using Staff Logins on the Merchant Shop.
Meta Description - The description displayed by search engines when your EKM online shop is shown in search results. Read more by clicking here.
Meta Data - Fields within the Settings of your EKM online shop. To learn more, click here.
Microsoft Outlook - A program that collects emails from several email addresses and allows you to sort them accordingly.
Mouse pointer - The cursor that moves around the screen when you move the mouse or your finger on the trackpad if your computer does not have a mouse.
Mouse wheel - Some mice are fitted with a wheel which allows you to scroll up and down a page quickly.
Mozilla Firefox - An independent browser.
MPN - Stands for Manufacturers' Part Number and is an attribute that can be added to Products. Having an MPN to submit your Product to other sites, such as Google Shopping, is essential.


Navigational Structure - This is the name given to the various different 'paths' a user can take when visiting your category, working their way through all of the different Categories, Products and Webpages. You can read more about it by clicking here.
Newsletter - An email you can send to your customers - with their consent - that advertises your latest Products and offers. Read more here.
Notepad - A text-only application used for cutting and pasting text from one place to another, as using Notepad removes all of the code and formatting that will not translate properly on different platforms. The Mac equivalent is TextEditor.


Offline - not connected to the internet.
Offline Payment Gateway - A Payment Gateway that doesn't require a third party (such as Klarna or Paypal) to work; instead, the shop owner processes the transaction offline. Read more about them by clicking here.
Online - Connected to the internet.
Online Shop - a website from which you can purchase goods or services. Also known as an e-commerce website.
Opera - a browser.

Order Statuses - Settings applied to an order as it is being processed. Read more by clicking here.
Orders tab - is where you can manage and process all orders on your EKM online shop. Click here to learn more. 

Outgoing Emails - The page at the back end of your EKM online shop where you configure the emails that are automatically generated when an order is placed, when carts are abandoned, and when order statuses are updated. Configure these by clicking here


Pages Menu - Within the Design Tab, where you can manage your Webpages, and within the footer of your Theme, where you can see all of the live Webpages of your EKM online shop listed.
Paint - A fundamental image manipulation application from Microsoft that can be used to capture screenshots. 

Partner - A developer or company using our API or advertised in our Partner Directory. For more information, click here.
Password Protect - A feature you can install on your EKM online shop that allows you to hide everything behind a password wall. You can read more about it by clicking here.
Payment Gateway - The name of the functionality which allows customers to pay for their orders. You can read more about them by clicking here.  

Payment On Delivery - An offline payment method. Click here to learn more.
Paypal - One of the oldest and most recognised Payment Gateways. Click here to learn more.
Pending - The status of an Order.
Photoshop - A popular image editing program by Adobe.
Pin - A post on the Pinterest social media platform.
Pinterest - A social media platform that is very image heavy and allows users to collect links to photos, articles, products and websites and organise them into 'Boards'. Read more about Pinterest by clicking here.
Pixels -  A pixel is a tiny part of a digital image, and a digital image contains hundreds of thousands of pixels.

Pixlr - A free online graphics creator, not unlike Adobe Photoshop. Learn more in this Guide.
PNG— PNG stands for Portable Network Graphic, a type of image file that allows images to have transparent backgrounds. PNG images retain their detail and resolution, whether shrunk down or magnified, making them excellent for online use where image quality is key.

Point - Amending the settings on a domain name so it leads users to a specific online shop, website or blog. Read more about it in this Guide.
Pop-up - A window before an existing page to advertise a message or request consent.
Processing - The status of an order on the Orders page.
Product - An item on your EKM online shop that customers can buy.
Product Attributes - These are labels applied to a Product, such as a Brand, which can help your customers locate your Products quicker within a search. Read more about Attributes by clicking here.  

Product Brand - An Attribute you can add to your Products to make them easier to identify and find in a search. Read more by clicking here

Product Codes - An Attribute you can add to your Products to make them easier to identify and find in a search. Read more by clicking here

Product Condition - An Attribute you can add to your Products to make them easier to identify and find in a search. Read more by clicking here

Product Feed - a .txt file you can access from the Google Tools feature, which can then be submitted to Google using this Guide

Product Filters - A way of allowing customers to sort your Products using assigned attributes on the Category pages. To learn more, click here.
Product Image - The picture which depicts the Product you have for sale. You can learn more about Product Images by clicking here.
Product Image Zoom - A Feature that you can install allows customers to have a magnified view of a Product Image to see the finest details. Click here to learn more. 

Product Recommended Retail Price (RRP) -  An Attribute you can add to your Products to make them easier to identify and find in a search. Read more by clicking here.
Product Summary - A Feature that can be installed which allows a summary (also known as a 'short description') beneath your Products when viewed from a Category Page. Click here to learn more.
Product Variant - A different size, colour, make or model of the default Product. Learn more about Variants by clicking here

Product Weight - An Attribute you can add to your Products to make them easier to identify and find in a search. Read more by clicking here

Purchase Orders - An offline payment gateway. Click here to learn more. 


QWERTY - A keyboard layout.


Recently Viewed Products - a Feature you can install that displays the Product Pages that a customer has recently visited. 

Reduced Shipping - You can set up your Delivery Methods to reduce or completely remove the delivery charges if the customer purchases over a certain amount. Read more by clicking here.
Refresh/reload - Manually refresh your page to view any changes you've made. Usually done by pressing f5 on a PC keyboard.
Register - To sign up for something.
Related Products - A Feature that allows you to select Products that can be related to a specific Product, which will also be displayed on the Product Page. Learn more by clicking here.

Requesting Consent on the Checkout Flow - If your EKM online shop sells B2B and you typically have a Sales Team contact your customers, you need to obtain their consent using this method under GDPR.
Responsive Theme - A Theme that retains its design whether viewed on a mobile device, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. Read more about Themes by clicking here.


Sandbox - Another name for the Test Shop of your EKM online shop. Learn more about your Test Shop by clicking here.
Search - To look for something either by using a given search field.
Search Engine - A platform that folks use to find various things online. Google, Yahoo, Bing and Duck Duck Go are all search engines.
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) - A term used to describe correctly optimising a website to encourage it to come higher in search engine results. Popular in the late 1990s and early 2000s, SEO isn't as relevant as it once was, although many of its characteristics are encouraged by search engines. 

Shop - an EKM online Shop.
Shop Copy - Where our Engineering Team create an exact copy of an EKM online shop from one account to another on the Shop Owner's request. 

Shop Meta Data - The area within the back end of your EKM online shop where you can configure the meta page title, keywords and description.

Shopper - Someone buying from a Merchant.

Shop Restores - A chargeable service provided by our engineering team where you can undo any changes made to your EKM online shop to restore it to a usable state.
Shop tab - You can access the editable version of your EKM online shop to add and manage your content.
Site Review - A report provided on request by either your Account Manager or a member of the Customer Support Team who assesses the current state of your EKM online shop and makes suggestions for how some aspects could be improved. 

Social Media Strategy - The plan of what content you plan to publish on social media to promote your EKM online shop. Learn more by clicking here.
Social Plugins - The Feature that can be installed on your EKM online shop allows you to link up with your social media profiles. Click here to learn more.
Source code - The code behind Product descriptions, shops and websites, which makes them both work and display things in a specific way.
Special Offer - Within the Edit Product window, this is where you assign a Product Featured Product Status.

Spreadsheet - the name given to CSV, XLSX, XML files that can be used in conjunction with the Import/Export System

SSL Certificate - applied to a domain to certify it as being secure. Essential as many browsers will mark domains without SSL certificates as insecure and 'risky'. Read more by clicking here.
Staff Logins - This can be found on the Settings Page and can be used by customers on our Standard, Advanced and Pro Tiers. Read more about them by clicking here.
Subcategory - The name given to a Category which lives within another Category.


Tax - A page you can reach via the Settings tab to configure your settings. Click here to learn more.  

Telephone - An offline payment gateway. To learn more, click here.
Terms & Conditions - A necessary Webpage on your EKM online shop which cannot be deleted. It's populated by default, although you can amend the content if need be.
Test Shop - A copy of your EKM online shop which is only accessible via your account and allows you to experiment with different Themes without affecting the activity on your live shop. Click here to learn more. 

Testing your Delivery Methods - After you have configured your Delivery Methods, it's essential that you test them out to ensure that everything is configured correctly. Learn more by clicking here.
Theme - The name given to the design template you can apply to your EKM online shop to provide it with a certain look. Click here to learn more.
Thunderbird - Mozilla's mail reader client.  

Transfer - Moving your domain name from one provider to another. Read more about it in this Guide.
Tweaks - The name given to small edits carried out by request by our Design Team. You can read more about Tweaks by clicking here.
TXT - a file type that holds only text and code and is free of formatting. Ideal for copying and pasting text from one place to another. The Notepad application is the Microsoft version, whereas TextEditor is the Mac version used to create TXT files. 

Universal Font - A font which displays correctly on both Mac and Microsoft products.
Upgrade - Theme with Desktop and Mobile versions. Read more about Themes by clicking here.
URL - The address of a Webpage, Product or Category Page, homepage or image.

URL Redirects - Available on the Features tab, URL Redirects allow you to redirect from one Webpage, Category Page or Product Page to another.
Username - This is allocated to you when you sign up for your EKM online shop account and needs to be quoted in all correspondence to help us find your account quickly. 


Variant - A group of variations of a product. For example, Size. Learn more by clicking here

Variant Choice - A particular choice within a Variant. For example, 'Small' or 'Medium'. Learn more by clicking here

Variant Combination - A unique set of Variant+Choice. For example, where you have variants of Size and Colour [Size: Small, Colour: Red] is a combination.
Variant Prices - The prices of individual Variants.
View Customers - A tab on the Orders page where you can search through customers who have previously purchased items from your EKM online shop.
View Orders - The default tab on the Orders page is where you can view all the orders that have occurred on your EKM online shop.  


Web browser - The 'window' you use to view the internet. Examples would be Chrome, Firefox and Edge.
Webpage - A page of text and images on your EKM online shop which holds neither Products nor Categories and is there to display important information such as Delivery & Returns advice, Terms & Conditions and your Privacy Policy. You can read more about Webpages by clicking here.

Webpage Groups - This functionality allows you to bundle a list of specific pages within a tag to display together in given areas. Read more by clicking here.
Webmaster - An old-fashioned term for the owner of a website.

Web Statistics - The Feature available allows you to monitor the amount of traffic on your EKM online shop.
Weight - An attribute you can add to each product to configure your Delivery Methods effectively. Click here to learn more about Product Weight.
Windows XP - An ancient version of Windows from the 1990s, which if you have it, should be updated at all costs!


XLSX - See Spreadsheet.

XML - See Spreadsheet.


Yahoo - A search engine and email provider that was very popular in the late 1990s.
YouTube - A social media platform catering especially to video content. Read more about YouTube by clicking here


Zapier - A third-party integration you can use to set up 'zaps' - specific actions - to streamline your workflow. Read more in this Guide.



[contact]If you need our help with your EKM online shop, contact your Ecommerce Expert, Account Manager, or the Customer Support Team, who can point you in the right direction. Our opening hours are 9 am - 5.30 pm Monday to Friday, for telephone calls, live chats, and emails. Over the weekends, we're open from 9 am - 5.30 pm, both Saturday and Sunday, to answer emails and live chat, which you can access from the Dashboard of your EKM online shop. Outside these hours, you can leave a message for us in the live chat window or email [email protected], and we will answer as soon as possible.

If you'd like to suggest a feature or an upgrade on any of the EKM platforms, please let us know on the EKM Suggestions Board. If you have a non-account-specific question to ask the EKM Team, join us in the EKM Community. [/contact]