[intro] After completing this guide, you will understand how EKM’s Evolution service works, how to request it on your own EKM online shop and how to approve and decline suggestions.[/intro]

The Evolution Mode is a service we pride ourselves on here at EKM. Our goal is to ensure that our customer’s online shops are up to date with regard to functionality and are the best they can possibly be. We do this through our Evolution Mode Team who check to see if the customer journey is effective, the design is modern and the quality of the content is appealing to maximise sales opportunities.

On the internet, in terms of both ecommerce shops and websites, design trends and styles change quickly and, amongst customers, shopping trends can change and grow at a rapid rate. An online shop that looked and performed fantastically well a couple of years ago may not be doing so well now and often the navigation, content quality and customer experience are the cause.

An Evolution Mode Designer combats this by ensuring that both the content and design are brought up to date, with complex content simplified for a better customer experience. This is a complimentary service unique to EKM, and one that has improved the experience for online shops. At EKM, the Evolution Mode Designers constantly research online trends and recommended practices to advise you which of these should be applied to your own EKM online shop.

What is included in Evolution Mode?

What Evolution Mode includes is specific to the EKM online shop in question; some shops may be older and more established, whilst others may be relatively new with small product ranges. When you first opt for Evolution Mode on your EKM online shop, the Evolution Mode Team will send you a questionnaire so they can accurately gauge your influences and preferences in regard to your EKM online shop’s content and branding. Once you have completed and returned this, a number of changes will be performed on your EKM online shop which may include some or all of the following, based on your responses:

Logo & Colour Scheme

If appropriate, our Evolution Mode Designer can create a new logo for you, which includes a small number of revisions. They may also suggest a new colour scheme for your EKM online shop too that better suits your brand’s aesthetic. 


The Evolution Mode Team may suggest a different Theme to the current one in use on your EKM online shop to one that better suits your industry or is more in line with current standards. 

Design & Promo Images

We may also generate new banner images or promo images that reflect your brand’s aesthetic and encourage visitors to click deeper within the content of your EKM online shop.

Homepage & Featured Products

The Evolution Mode Team may suggest and elect some of your products to be listed on the Homepage or as Featured Products, to encourage sales. 

Navigational Structure

The navigational structure - the order and naming of your Categories - may be amended to become more effective for visitors to your EKM online shop. 

Cart & Checkout Flow

We may amend the colours and images used on the Cart and Checkout Flow to ensure that they match the aesthetic of your EKM online shop. 

Welcome/About Us

If there is not one already, we may add a ‘Welcome’ or ‘About Us’ element to your EKM online shop to encourage visitors to learn about your brand.

USP & Brands

The Evolution Mode Team may suggest adding a USP section to your Theme that lists the Unique Selling points offered by your EKM online shop. Equally, if appropriate, they may recommend adding a Brands element too, so visitors can clearly see the kind of product range you provide at a glance.  


If changing the Theme affects the layout of existing Webpage content, our Evolution Mode Team can help by restructuring that content to fit with the new design. 

Test Shop or Live Shop?

The Evolution Mode Team will make changes to the Test Shop of your EKM online shop unless you request otherwise. Using the Test Shop allows them to work on your account without disrupting the activity on the live version of your EKM online shop, and you can see how the recommendations will display at your side. 

However, if you would like the Evolution Mode Team to work on the live version of your EKM online shop, they will use the Password Protect feature if requested to ensure that the shop is hidden from public view until it is completed. 

How often can I request Evolution Mode?

If your EKM online shop is on the Evolve or Advanced tiers, you can request Evolution Mode on a quarterly basis after your account is six months old. However, if you would like to request Evolution Mode before this point, please contact your Account Manager to discuss the options for speeding this up. 

If your EKM online shop is on the Pro tier, you can request Evolution Mode every month. Again, if you would like to request Evolution Mode before this point, please contact your Account Manager. 

How to Request Evolution

1. If the Evolution Mode Team have not yet visited your account, you can manually request that they do so. To do this, from the Dashboard, click Settings in the bottom right-hand corner:

2. On the Settings page, click Evolution Mode on the left-hand side:

3. Click the Improve Your Shop button:

4. The Evolution Mode Team will receive a notification and visit your EKM online shop soon. 

How to Approve/Deny Suggestions

1. When the Evolution Mode Team visits your EKM online shop, they will suggest how to improve it. You will see a notification on the Dashboard advising you that suggestions have been made. Click Review Improvements:

2. This will take you to the Evolution Mode page again, where the suggestions made by the Evolution Mode Team are listed. Click the More Details button:

3. Within the window that opens up will be details of the suggestions:

4. If you click Accept Improvement, this will notify the Evolution Mode Team; if applicable, they will complete the task for you. If you click Decline Improvement, a second window will appear:

5. In this window, you can detail why you do not want that suggestion implemented on your EKM online shop. However, if you click No, Don’t Decline Improvement, you will be returned to the previous window to accept the recommendation. If you have added comments and clicked Yes, Decline Improvement, this will be sent to the Evolution Mode Team.

[remember]Shops on the Advanced and Pro plans may only see one suggestion called ‘Test Shop’. This is so you know when the Test Shop is ready, can take a look and then give feedback to your Account Manager/Ecommerce Expert. [/remember]

How long will it take to implement these changes?

When you have returned the questionnaire to the Evolution Mode Team, the suggestions are populated within five working days. Once you have approved the suggestions, those changes will be implemented in your EKM online shop within five working days. 

What if Evolution Mode isn’t right for me?

If you would like more input on the design process, perhaps our Custom Design service would be a better option for you. We offer many ecommerce website design services to suit every need. Take advantage of our team of expert designers who know exactly what it takes to create a successful online shop. Using a thorough research and development process, our designers will work to create an ecommerce design that sets you apart and is perfectly designed to boost your online revenue. You can read more about this service here



[contact] If you need our help with your EKM online shop, contact your Ecommerce Expert or the Customer Support Team, who will be able to point you in the right direction. We're open from 8am-6pm weekdays and 9am-5.30pm weekends. If you'd like to suggest a feature or an upgrade on any of the EKM platforms, please let us know on the EKM Suggestions Board. If you have a non-account-specific question to ask the EKM Team, join us in the EKM Community. [/contact]