[intro]In this Guide, you’ll learn how to use the Mapping functionality to translate a spreadsheet into the format accepted by your EKM online shop. Before you begin, you need to ensure that you have installed the Import/Export System feature. If instead, you want to use Mapping to import customer data, you need to follow the steps in this Guide instead.


1. Open the Import/Export System feature, and under the ‘Import From File’ header, click Import Data on the far right-hand side:

2. Before you upload your spreadsheet, there’s some essential information that you need to add. Create a new column on the far left-hand side, and name this column Action:

3. Within this column, ensure each cell is populated with ‘Add Product’:

4. If the Products on your sheet have Variants, highlight the Variant rows and replace ‘Add Product’ with ‘Add Product Variant’:

5. Now you need to look for the column where each Product’s Category is listed. On my example, this is B:

6. Now you need to highlight the contents of this column, and use Find & Replace to prefix the Category Name. In my example, the Category is called ‘Clothing’, and it needs to be replaced with ‘Home > Clothing’, like this:

[remember] Depending on the content of your spreadsheet, you may want to amend some of your other data so it can be uploaded correctly at the same time. This is a list of the headers that the EKM online shop platform recognises with an example of the data that should be listed under them and the format it needs to be in:


  • Action - This needs to be Add Product, Add Product Variant, or Add Product Option;


  • Brand - The Product’s brand. To make this visible, you will need to ensure you have installed the Product Attributes feature;
  • Can Be Added To Cart - This needs to be set to either TRUE or FALSE. If FALSE, this Product will not display an Add To Cart button;
  • Category Management - You need to amend the data in this column to be prefixed with ‘Home >’. For example, from ‘Women’ to ‘Home > Women’;
  • Code - The Product’s code. To make this visible, you will need to ensure you have installed the Product Attributes feature;
  • Condition - This can be either ‘NotApplicable’, ‘New’, ‘Used’ or ‘Refurbished’. To make this visible, you will need to ensure you have installed the Product Attributes feature;
  • Delivery Method - This needs to be populated with the name of an existing Delivery Method on your EKM online shop, or set to ‘Ignore’ if you have not yet set up your Delivery Methods or want to assign these manually later on;
  • GTIN - The GTIN of your Product. To make this visible, you will need to ensure you have installed the Product Attributes feature;
  • Hidden - This can be either ‘NO’, or ‘YES’ if you want the Product uploaded but hidden from the public;
  • Image 2 - The URL of the Product’s second Product Image;
  • Image 3 - The URL of the Product’s third Product Image;
  • Image 4 - The URL of the Product’s fourth Product Image;
  • Image 5 - The URL of the Product’s fifth Product Image;
  • In Category Description - of the Product (only visible if Product Summary has been installed);
  • Meta Description - of the Product (only visible if Custom Meta Data has been installed);
  • Meta Keywords - of the Product (only visible if Custom Meta Data has been installed);
  • Meta Title - of the Product (only visible if Custom Meta Data has been installed);
  • MPN - of the Product. To make this visible, you will need to ensure you have installed the Product Attributes feature;
  • Number In Stock - of the Product;
  • Option Items - Defines the items for a DROPDOWN type Product Option. You only need to use this if you are applying DROPDOWN Product Options;
  • Option Name - For example, ‘Gift Wrapped?’;
  • Option Order - for Product Options,  defines the order each option appears on the product page. For example, ‘1’ would be the first choice, ‘2’ would be the second, and so on;
  • Option Price - of the Product Option choice;
  • Option Size - The maximum number of characters that can be used when creating this Product Option, for example, ‘240’;
  • Option Type - This needs to be either ‘IMAGE’, ‘DROPDOWN’, ‘TEXT BOX’ or ‘TEXT AREA’, depending on the type of Product Options you would like to add to your Product;
  • Option Validation - ‘NotEmpty’ to enforce validation, otherwise, leave the cell empty;
  • Order Note - of the Product, for example, ‘This Product is delivered on a pallet, please ensure you have the space allocated to receive this delivery’;
  • Product Weight - of the product in KG, for example, 100 grams would be 0.1. To make this visible, you will need to ensure you have installed the Product Attributes feature;
  • PromoStickers  - The name of Promo Sticker to be applied to the product, for example, ‘custom.png’;
  • RRP - of the Product. To make this visible, you will need to ensure you have installed the Product Attributes feature;
  • Tax Rate ID - For all the cells in this column, you need to ensure that they are populated with the right single-digit number to signify their tax rate. It is usually 1, but if you have any doubts, check the Tax Settings page on your EKM online shop;
  • Variant Category Page - this defines which of the Variants appear on the Category Page. For example, ‘false:true:true’;
  • Variant Item 1 Data - of the Product. For example ‘Large’;
  • Variant Item 2 Data - of the Product. For example, ‘Burgundy’;
  • Variant Item 3 Data - of the Product. For example, ‘Short Sleeves’;
  • Variant Item 4 Data  - of the Product. For example, ‘Pockets’;
  • Variant Item 5 Data - of the Product. For example, ‘Hood’;
  • Variant Types - Using the Variant Items 1-5 above as an example, this cell needs to list the names of the different kinds of Variants used, separated by colons, like this: ‘SIZE:COLOUR:DROPDOWN:DROPDOWN:DROPDOWN’.


7. Your spreadsheet is now ready to upload:

8. On your EKM online shop, click Choose File:

9. Select the spreadsheet from your computer and then click Upload:

10. When your spreadsheet has been uploaded, click the name of the file:

11. Depending on the content of your spreadsheet, some columns may have been automatically mapped already. Click the header to check how your headers have been mapped:

[remember]If you have previously uploaded a similar spreadsheet, or all columns have been automatically mapped, you will be redirected to the page where you can run a test on your data, which is Step 17. of this Guide. [/remember]

12. Here’s what the automatically mapped headers look like:

13. You need to go down the page and check each header has been set correctly. If you need to make changes, use the drop-down menu on the right-hand side to select the most applicable header. Remember that each header must be individual. If there’s a header that you want to omit from the spreadsheet, simply amend the drop-down and select ‘Ignore’, which is right at the bottom of the list:

14. When you have finished mapping, click the green Save Mappings button on the bottom right-hand side:

15. Now you need to click Test For Errors:

[warning]ALWAYS test a spreadsheet for errors before importing it to the site. This ensures that the spreadsheet is checked and will not potentially cause any serious issues on your website when it has been imported.[/warning]

16. When you have tested for errors, your data should be displayed like this:

[caution] When the spreadsheet has been tested  - which can sometimes take a few moments depending on the number of products on it - if the data window is highlighted pink and red, click the Warnings and Errors bar below the large window to see the details of any problems the spreadsheet has. If there are any errors, these need to be rectified on your spreadsheet before uploading it to the site again and re-testing.[/caution]

17. Click Start Import Process:

18. When the data has been imported, it will look like this. Click the green Done button on the bottom right-hand side:



[contact]If you need our help with your EKM online shop, contact your Ecommerce Expert, Account Manager, or the Customer Support Team, who can point you in the right direction. Our opening hours are 9 am - 5.30 pm Monday to Friday, for telephone calls, live chats, and emails. Over the weekends, we're open from 9 am - 5.30 pm, both Saturday and Sunday, to answer emails and live chat, which you can access from the Dashboard of your EKM online shop. Outside these hours, you can leave a message for us in the live chat window or email [email protected], and we will answer as soon as possible.

If you'd like to suggest a feature or an upgrade on any of the EKM platforms, please let us know on the EKM Suggestions Board. If you have a non-account-specific question to ask the EKM Team, join us in the EKM Community. [/contact]