[intro] When you have completed this Guide, you will have successfully configured your EKM online shop with your Trustpilot account. [/intro]



[caution]Before you begin, you must set up an email address on the primary domain of your EKM online shop as this is required to open a Trustpilot account. You will also need a copy of your logo measuring 400 x 300 pixels, which you will upload to your free Trustpilot account. [/caution]

Opening a Trustpilot account

1. Click this link and complete the fields provided before clicking the blue Create Account button:

2. You’ll then receive an email with a link within it from Trustpilot. Click the link and you’ll be redirected to a page to set up your password. Follow the instructions before clicking the blue button:

3. You’ll then see this page. Click the blue button on the bottom left-hand side:

4. On the next page, click Skip in the bottom right-hand corner:

5. Now you will need to populate your profile. Complete as many fields on this page as possible and upload a copy of your logo. When you have completed all of the fields, click the Continue button on the bottom left-hand side:

6. On the next page, you need to complete the next set of fields entirely, before clicking the blue Save button in the bottom left-hand corner:

7. You will then be directed to the Dashboard of your Trustpilot account:

Embedding Trustpilot on your EKM online shop

8. From the Trustpilot dashboard, click Integrations on the left-hand menu:

9. On the second menu, select Ecommerce:

10. Now you need to select JavaScript Integration:

11. On this page, you need to confirm that you will detail Trustpilot in the Privacy Policy on your EKM online shop. You can do this by ensuring that you have installed the EU Cookie Bar feature on your EKM online shop and that you detail the use of Trustpilot in the text of your Privacy Webpage. When you have done this, tick the box and click the Confirm button:

12. You will then see this page:

13. Open a separate browser tab, and log into your EKM online shop. From the Dashboard, click the Design tab:

14. Now click the More Actions button in the bottom left-hand corner, and select Inject Custom Code from the drop-down menu:

15. Now you need to return to the browser tab displaying Trustpilot, and copy the code in the field by clicking the blue button on the left-hand side:

16. Return to the browser tab displaying your EKM online shop, and paste this code in the HTML Head Code field, before scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the green Save button on the bottom right-hand side:

17. Return to the browser tab displaying Trustpilot and click the Next button:

18. On the next page, add the domain name of your EKM online shop into the field provided before clicking the Verify button:

19. Now you can select what kind of reviews you would like to receive. Tick the relevant box, and then click the Copy Code button on the bottom left-hand side:

20. Return to the browser tab displaying your EKM online shop, and from the Dashboard, click the Design tab:

21. At this point, where you paste the second piece of code depends on the Theme you’re using on your EKM online shop:


If you’re using the Aerial Theme on your EKM online shop, you will need to paste the second piece of Trustpilot code in the Embed Code section of your EKM online shop. 

Legacy Themes and Themes in Custom Mode

If you are using one of the Legacy Themes on your EKM online shop, you must paste the code into an element on your Theme, ideally within the Footer. 

Setting up your Trustpilot Emails

When you have added the second piece of code to your EKM online shop, your next step is to set up the widget and emails to ensure that when a customer places an order on your EKM online shop, they will receive an email prompting them to leave a review for you on Trustpilot. 

22. On the Trustpilot menu on the left-hand side, click Get Reviews, and then Invitation Methods from the submenu:

23. Scroll to the bottom of this page and click the Trustpilot Automatic Invitations element:

24. On this page, click the Copy Email Address button on the left-hand side:

25. Return to the browser tab displaying your EKM online shop, and click the Settings tab:

26. On the bottom left-hand side, click Outgoing Emails:

27. Scroll down on this page and you’ll see the Email Templates element. Click the down arrow symbol for Shop Owner Notifications:

28. Then you need to click Edit on the right-hand side for Order Placed Email:

29. In the window that appears, paste the Trustpilot email address into the Additional Recipients field before clicking the green Save button in the bottom right-hand corner:

30. Now you need to return to the browser tab displaying Trustpilot and click the blue button:

31. Finally, you need to click Finish:

Now you have set up your Trustpilot emails, seven days after your customers initially place their orders, they will receive an email inviting them to leave a review. 

Adding a Widget

32. Now you have configured your Trustpilot emails, your next step is to add a widget to your EKM online shop, so your customers are aware of where they can go to leave reviews. On the Trustpilot dashboard, click Share & Promote on the left-hand side menu, and All Widgets from the submenu:

33. At the top of this page, click the toggle for ‘only included with your plan’ on the top right-hand side:

34. This will reveal the only widget available to you on Trustpilot’s free plan. Click it:

35. This will open a window where you can preview the widget. Click the Get Code button in the bottom right-hand corner:

36. Click the top Copy Code button in the top left-hand corner:

37. Open a separate browser tab, and log into your EKM online shop. From the Dashboard, click the Design tab:

38. Now click the More Actions button in the bottom left-hand corner, and select Inject Custom Code from the drop-down menu:

39. Paste the code from Trustpilot in the HTML Head Code field, before scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the green Save button on the bottom right-hand side:

40. Return to the browser tab displaying Trustpilot and click the second Copy Code button on the left-hand side of the window:

41. This piece of code needs to be added to either the Embed Code section of your EKM online shop (if you’re using the Aerial Theme) or within the element where you would like the widget to display (if you’re using a Legacy or Custom Theme, ideally within the Footer of your EKM online shop). Finally, you need to return to the browser tab displaying Trustpilot, and click Done in the bottom right-hand corner of the window:

Editing your Trustpilot Profile

42. Finally, you need to edit your Trustpilot profile, so that when customers leave their reviews of your EKM online shop, they will see a page fleshed out with your branding. From the Trustpilot dashboard, click Settings and then Profile Page:

43. If you have already opened a Google Business Profile, you simply need to click the blue button at the top of the page to sync your existing information to your TrustPilot profile. However, if you’ve not done this already, you’ll need to click each of the sections on this page and complete as much in as many of the fields provided as possible especially Verify Company Details:



[contact] If you need our help with your EKM online shop, contact your Ecommerce Expert or the Customer Support Team, who will be able to point you in the right direction. We're open from 8am-6pm weekdays and 9am-5.30pm weekends. If you'd like to suggest a feature or an upgrade on any of the EKM platforms, please let us know on the EKM Suggestions Board. If you have a non-account-specific question to ask the EKM Team, join us in the EKM Community. [/contact]